Perfect Aim

Man lying on his back on the asphalt with an arrow sticking out of his chestWhat happened?

Investigation Day 1

On the evening of October 29, 2020, Emergency Services received a 911 call reporting an unresponsive male at a local church.

Detectives Armstrong and Murphy spoke with two witnesses at the scene who said they saw the incident happen.

Later they spoke with a third person who also claimed to have witnessed the incident.

Meanwhile, other YCSD investigators canvassed everyone who attended the Sewcial Compassion event at the church that evening.

Investigation Day 2

The next morning, CSU submitted a preliminary inventory of evidence collected at the scene along with a flyer for the event held at the church that night.

The Oxford Weekly Planet published their coverage of the incident while the YCSD gathered background information about the victim.

The detectives visited the victim's home to speak with his family. Detective Murphy talked to the victim's wife, Caroline, while Detective Armstrong talked to the victim's teenaged daughter, Lizzie.

Mrs. Miller also gave them permission to search the residence for evidence that might help find her husband's killer.

Other YCSD investigators talked to the victim’s neighbors to learn whether any of them recently noticed unusual persons or activity in the area.

Seeking information about the murder weapon, Detective Murphy stopped by the Happy Hunter store and spoke with its owner, an archery and bowhunting expert.

That afternoon, the detectives returned to the Faith and Glory Community Church to talk to the employees, including the church secretary, Donna Palmer, and the choir director, Nathan Huggins.

After the school day ended, the detectives went to the high school and spoke with the victim’s co-workers.

Investigation Day 3

The next morning, investigators met with the choir members who were at rehearsal the night Frederick Miller was killed.

Later, deputies went to the county library and a local coffee shop to see if they could corroborate Caroline and Lizzie Miller's alibis.

Meanwhile, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy returned to the school and spoke with Coach Lancaster during archery practice.

While there, Detective Murphy spotted the high school's custodian and asked him whether he had seen or heard anything unusual recently.

Detective Murphy then rejoined Detective Armstrong, who was talking to the archery team members and their parents.

Investigation Day 4

That morning, the detectives talked to Caroline and Lizzie Miller again to try to clear up a few details.

Afterward, Detective Armstrong caught up with archery team member, Jimmy Bragg, to get his take on the victim's behavior.

A little later, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy met with high school volunteer and archery parent Stephanie Bragg hoping to get further insight.

Late that afternoon, detectives submitted a report to the case file summarizing their efforts in pursuing various leads and the results to date.

Investigation Day 5

The next afternoon, the Crime Lab sent over a report on the preliminary forensic analysis of evidence collected from the crime scene.

Shortly afterward, the detectives met with a person of interest.

Investigation Day 6

The following morning, Detective Murphy sat down with Lyle Nelson again to find out what else he knew about the victim.

At the end of the school day, the detectives returned to the high school to speak with Marc and Lizzie’s fellow students and team members.

That evening, investigators visited the skate park to see if they could find anyone to corroborate Lizzie’s alibi

Other YCSD investigators went to a local bookstore to see if Caroline's alibi checked out.

Investigation Day 7

The next morning, the detectives reviewed a report on recent surveillance of a person of interest and the Crime Lab's latest update on the ongoing evidence analysis.

That afternoon detectives interviewed and subsequently detained a suspect.

Shortly thereafter, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy went to the suspect's residence, where they spoke with a relative and executed a search warrant.

That afternoon, the Oxford Weekly Planet reported the breaking news on the investigation.

Investigation Day 8

The next morning, detectives followed up with Donna Palmer to get her take on her friend Caroline's relationships.

Other YCSD investigators worked on trying to verify Lyle Nelson's whereabouts on the evening Frederick Miller was killed.

Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to the victim's wife again about some lingering questions.

A short time later, the detectives spoke to Jimmy again to get his insight on the students in Frederick Miller's class.

That evening, Jimmy's dad came back in to talk to the detectives.

At the end of the day, the detectives updated the case file with a report on Days 5-8 of the investigation.

Investigation Day 9

The detectives' day started with the preliminary report from the coroner's office.

Mid-morning, Detective Murphy spoke to a Sewcial Compassion attendee to get a more specific timeline for that event.

Later, after the detectives took care of some business, the Oxford Weekly Planet published the latest news on the investigation.

Investigation Day 10

YCSD investigators compiled and documented the results of their efforts following up on Jimmy’s alibi statement.

That afternoon, the Oxford Weekly Planet reported on a new development in the case from outside law enforcement.

Investigation Day 11

A man with a connection to the crime scene came forward with a tip.

Afterward, detectives had a few more questions for Marc.

Later, detectives spoke to Donna again to see what she knew about the tipster’s information.

Investigation Day 12

The next morning, a concerned parent visited detectives to discuss a few things on his mind.

Afterward, the detectives searched the residence of a person of interest.

Late that afternoon, Detective Armstrong sat down with another man who said he had information about the case.

Afterward, the detectives updated the case file with a report on Days 9-12 of the investigation.

Investigation Day 13

Other YCSD investigators followed up on Paul's alibi.

Meanwhile, the detectives went to a popular after-school hangout to speak with the restaurant's employees to identify a group of teens mentioned by a tipster.

Later, the detectives talked to the teens themselves about their potential connection to the investigation.

That evening, the Oxford Weekly Planet ran a story on the quality of leads generated since the reward was offered.

Investigation Day 14

The next morning, the Crime Lab sent over a preliminary report on the rush analysis of evidence recently collected.

That afternoon, the detectives spoke with a young woman who may have seen something.

Afterward, the detectives collected samples from a person of interest.

Investigation Day 15

YCSD investigators took a closer look at one person's whereabouts at the time Frederick was killed.

The detectives went to the high school to follow up on a tip. First, they spoke to a senior who reportedly might have information.

Afterward, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy met with another student identified by the tipster.

At the end of the day, the detectives added a report on Days 13-15 of the investigation to the case file.

Investigation Day 16

The next morning, the Crime Lab sent over a report on the rush analysis of evidence recently collected.

Later, the detectives spoke to a person of interest.

That afternoon, the Oxford Weekly Planet reported on the breaking developments.


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