PI talks to the wife

PI Anderson had an informal conversation with the wife of a person of interest.

Search – Rick Hughes

The detectives searched Rick's residence for evidence related to the murder of Monica Drum.

Patricia Hagen interview

The detectives asked Mrs. Hagen about her husband's alleged gambling and other possible crimes.

Patricia Hagen bio

A former professor, Patricia left her job to support her husband’s political career.

Soil analysis

The lab conducted additional analyses of the soil samples found at the crime scene.

PI locates person of interest

Det. Armstrong's old partner tracked down a former Eagle employee they've been looking for.

Bombshell arrest stuns community

The Crime Beat reports: Alleged illegal gambling ring exposed

Shawn Sharp interview #2

The detectives asked Shawn if he'd remembered anything more about the night Monica died.

Frannie Grace interview #2

The YCSD arranged for Frannie Grace to try to remember more about the night of the murder.

Drum memorial service held

The Oxford Weekly Planet covered the local memorial service for Monica Drum.

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