Search evidence analysis

The lab examined items collected pursuant to search warrants in the Moran investigation.

Updated fingerprint analysis

The lab updated the Moran case fingerprint analysis with new evidence and comparisons.

Search inventories

YCSD investigators searched the residences of persons of interest in the Kelly Moran homicide investigation.

Moran case search warrants

YCSD investigators obtained warrants to search for evidence at a number of locations.

Alibi check

Investigators summarized the alibis for persons of interest and whether those alibis could be corroborated.

Kenny Ross interview #2

The detectives asked Kenny if he could tie up some loose ends in the investigation.

David Estrada interview #2

The detectives wanted to get David's input on some questions potentially related to his profession.

Nicolette Cuthbert interview #2

The detectives asked Nicolette to come in so they could follow up on their recent conversation with Trish.

Lorraine Estrada interview #2

The detectives asked Kelly's friend and pharmacist for more information about Kelly's prescription medication.

Trish Lee interview #2

The detectives asked Trish for more insight into how the ladies spent their time together.

Karen West interview #2

The detectives talked to Karen again, hoping for a more productive conversation than their first one.

Russell Moran interview #2

The detectives asked Russell for more information about his late wife.

Fingerprint analysis

The lab analyzed evidence from the Kelly Moran crime scene for fingerprints.

Evidence analysis

The lab examined items collected from the scene at the Moran residence, 797 Muirfield Drive.

Seeking the public's help

The Crime Beat reports: The sheriff's department asks for help identifying a potential witness.

Registered vehicles

YCSD investigators located vehicle registration information for persons of interest in the Kelly Moran case.

Places of Interest

This map shows locations in Yoknapatawpha County relevant to the Kelly Moran investigation.

Neighbor security video

A resident near the crime scene provided security video recorded the evening Kelly was killed.

Coroner's report

The Coroner's Office provided a preliminary autopsy report on Kelly Moran. Additional analyses are ongoing.

Kenny Ross interview

The detectives asked a confidential informant if he had heard anything about Kelly's murder.

Kenny Ross bio

Kenny has always struggled to achieve some stability in his life.

2nd cell phone records

Investigators obtained the recent activity from the Tracfone found in the Moran's sofa.

Kelly Moran cell phone records

Investigators obtained Kelly's cell phone activity for the days leading up to her death.

Correcting mistakes

Who is talking to The Face in the Mirror about the Kelly Moran investigation?

Zina's list of vehicles

Zina Jacinto provided a list of "suspicious" vehicles she saw prior to the murder.

Missing property inventory

Russell Moran provided a list of items missing from his home after his wife's murder.

Warren Lee interview

The detectives asked Trish's husband about his and his wife's relationships with Kelly.

Warren Lee biography

Warren worked hard for years to expand on the success of his grandfather's business.

Michael West interview

The detectives talked to Karen's husband about his wife and their relationship with Kelly.

Michael West biography

Michael felt driven to succeed from an early age.

James Cuthbert interview

The detectives spoke to Nicolette's husband about his and his wife's relationship with Kelly Moran.

James Cuthbert biography

James was a prominent physician in New York City before moving to Oxford.

David Estrada interview

The detectives asked Lorraine's husband what he knew about Kelly Moran.

David Estrada biography

David overcame a difficult childhood and now counsels others who need help.

Trish Lee interview

The detectives spoke to Trish about Kelly's personal relationships and more.

Trish Lee bio

Trish has always been determined to get what she wants out of life.

Investigators stumped?

The Crime Beat reports: Officials aren't talking; COP puts up reward for information.

Truth and consequences

Does the Face in the Mirror have some inside scoop on Kelly's murder?

Nicolette Cuthbert interview

The detectives asked Nicolette about the last time she saw Kelly and their mutual acquaintances.

Nicolette Cuthbert biography

Nicolette's marriage to her oncologist husband began to founder once she had children.

Karen West interview

The detectives asked another of Kelly's friends about Kelly's social life and recent activities.

Karen West biography

Since moving to Oxford for her husband, Karen has struggled to fit into small-town life.

Lorraine Estrada interview

The detectives spoke to Kelly's friend and pharmacist about Kelly's social life and medical situation.

Lorraine Estrada biography

Lorraine dreamed of being a country singer before she became a pharmacist

Zina Jacinto interview

Zina contacted Detectives Armstrong and Murphy about the death of her neighbor, Kelly Moran.

Zina Jacinto biography

Zina is a longtime resident of the neighborhood where the Morans live.

Moran evidence inventory

CSU submitted this preliminary inventory of evidence collected from the Moran scene.

Socialite found dead

The Crime Beat reports: Oxford socialite's husband finds her dead. Foul play is suspected.

Moran neighbor canvass

Investigators canvassed Muirfield Drive residents to learn what neighbors saw and heard the night Kelly died.

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