Man with short, dark, curly hair and glasses

Ezekiel Evans bio

Zeke has always enjoyed leveraging his talents for excitement and income.

Man with short, dark, curly hair and glasses

Ezekiel Evans interview

The detectives drove to Holly Springs to speak to an old friend of Hoyt's.

Smiling woman with medium-length brown hair

Opal Tinley interview

The detectives visited the neighbor Zina mentioned might have some information.

Man with dark blond hair and a heavy beard

Kenny Ross interview #2

The detectives asked Kenny to come in to answer some more questions.

White-haired woman with dark-rimmed glasses, looking displeased

Zina Jacinto bio

Zina is a longtime resident of her northwest Oxford neighborhood.

White-haired woman with dark-rimmed glasses, looking displeased

Zina Jacinto interview

A neighbor of Under Glass approached the detectives with some information.

Hands holding binoculars with the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's star in the foreground

BOLO – Alden Puckett

The detectives issued a BOLO to try to locate Hoyt's former mentor.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Status Report'

Status report

This status report summarizing investigative efforts to corroborate witness alibis was added to the case file.

Smiling balding man with glasses and gray facial hair

Alden Puckett bio

Alden grew up in Texas and later came to Oxford to work at Ole Miss.

Smiling woman with short dark hair

June Puckett interview

The detectives didn't find Alden Puckett at home but spoke with his wife.

Smiling woman with dark hair in an updo

Birdie Tarver bio

A lifelong photographer, Birdie supports her artistic work with freelance gigs.

Smiling woman with dark hair in an updo

Birdie Tarver interview

The detectives talked with Hoyt's ex-girlfriend to learn more about their relationship.

Man with medium-length dark hair and glasses

Hoyt Biffle bio

Hoyt grew up in Texas, later worked in Louisiana, and later settled in Oxford.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Incident Report'

Biffle residence inventory

Investigators compiled a preliminary inventory of items taken into evidence at Hoyt Biffle's home.

Smirking man with dark hair and glasses with the Oxford Weekly Planet logo in the foreground

Business owner slain

The Crime Beat reports: Controversial figure found murdered

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Incident Report'

Crime scene inventory

CSU submitted this preliminary inventory of items taken into evidence at the Under Glass property.

Dark-haired young man wearing an athletic jacket

Wyatt Yancey bio

Wyatt grew up in the shadow of his older brothers.

Dark-haired young man wearing an athletic jacket

Wyatt Yancey interview

Detective Beckwith spoke to the other recently evicted housemate.

Skeptical-looking young woman with long hair

Shiloh Bates bio

Shiloh learned to love the spotlight in child beauty pageants.

Skeptical-looking young woman with long hair

Shiloh Bates interview

Detective Magee talked to one of the recently evicted housemates.

Hand holding a megaphone alongside a hand holding a sign reading "Shut the smut hut"

Protester canvass

Investigators spoke to the people who were picketing outside the Under Glass house.

Overhead view of a suburban neighborhood

Neighbor canvass

Investigators spoke to people who live near the Under Glass house.

Serious older man with white hair, mustache and goatee

Ben Morgan bio

Ben's faith and his principles guide everything in his life.

Serious older man with white hair, mustache and goatee

Ben Morgan interview

The detectives talked with the leader of the protesters picketing Under Glass.

Young woman with dark hair and bangs

Jessi Lee bio

Jessi dreams of working internationally after earning her degree.

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