Smiling woman with short dark hair

June Puckett interview #2

The detectives asked Mrs. Puckett to come in and answer a few more questions.

Smiling woman with dark hair in an updo

Birdie Tarver interview #2

The detectives had some more questions for Birdie in light of new information.

Keypad of a landline telephone

Puckett phone records

Detectives Beckwith and Magee reviewed calls on the Puckett residence phone.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Search – Alden Puckett

YCSD investigators searched the Pucketts' residence for evidence in the Hoyt Biffle homicide investigation.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Search – Birdie Tarver

YCSD investigators searched Birdie's residence for evidence in the Hoyt Biffle homicide investigation.

Man with gray hair and five o'clock shadow, wearing a trucker hat

Chas Laughlin bio

Chas has spent a lifetime living by his own rules.

Man with gray hair and five o'clock shadow, wearing a trucker hat

Chas Laughlin interview

The detectives tried to find out what, if anything, Chas knows about all this.

Gloved hand holding a test tube with binary code in the background

Forensics – crime scene

The crime lab provided preliminary findings on evidence collected from the crime scene.

Excerpt of text handwritten in code

Coded notebook

Investigators are working to decipher handwritten text in a notebook found in Biffle's residence.

Hands gripping prison bars

Prison cell search

A corrections officer checked Ezekiel Evans's cell for contraband.

Man with short, dark, curly hair and glasses

Ezekiel Evans interview #2

The detectives asked Zeke about something found in his cell.

Smiling young woman with long dark hair

Sofia Summerset interview

The detectives spoke to Don's assistant about what Don told them.

Front entrance of the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office

Coroner's report

The Coroner's Office provided a preliminary summary of the Biffle autopsy findings. Additional analyses are ongoing.

Smiling man with long dark hair and facial hair

Donovan Walker bio

Don's life has always followed an unconventional path.

Smiling man with long dark hair and facial hair

Donovan Walker interview

The detectives visited Birdie's boyfriend to ask about his and Birdie's relationships with Hoyt.

Man with dark blond hair and a heavy beard

Kenny Ross interview #3

The detectives pressed Kenny for more information about some missing items.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Search – Kenny Ross

YCSD investigators searched Kenny's residence and vehicle for evidence in the Hoyt Biffle death investigation.

Skeptical-looking young woman with long hair

Shiloh Bates interview #2

The detectives had some follow-up questions for Shiloh.

Dark-haired young man wearing an athletic jacket

Wyatt Yancey interview #2

The detectives wanted to see if Wyatt could provide any additional information.

Hands on a laptop keyboard with email envelope icons in the foreground

Biffle email message

Hoyt's attorney provided a copy of an email he and others received from Hoyt.

Three young adults with the Under Glass house in the foreground

Former Under Glass resident canvass

Investigators spoke to people who previously lived at Under Glass.

Serious-looking bald man

Thomas Eldon bio

Thomas is an Oxford native, a Harvard graduate, and a prominent local attorney.

Serious-looking bald man

Thomas Eldon interview

The detectives met with Hoyt's attorney to learn about Hoyt's legal affairs

Smiling balding man with glasses and gray facial hair

Alden Puckett interview

The detectives located Alden outside Coldwater, Mississippi.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Incident Report'

Puckett cabin inventory

The detectives took some items into evidence at Alden Puckett's cabin.

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