Incident report

A woman collapsed at the YCCC

On November 22, 2013, YCSD Emergency Services received a 911 call reporting a person in need of assistance at the Yoknapatawpha County Conference Center.

Coroner's report

Preliminary Coroner's Report on Diane Coates's autopsy

Preliminary report from the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office on the autopsy of Diane Coates. Additional analyses are ongoing.

Suspect Photo Lineup

Coates Case Photo LineupView the suspect photo lineup shown to the pharmacist.

Talley search

Search of the Talley residence and vehicles

The detectives obtained a warrant to search the Talley residence at 224 Colonial Road and the family vehicles.

Coates search

Search of the Coates residence and vehicles

The detectives obtained a warrant to search the Coates residence at 210 Elm Street and the family vehicles.

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Crime Scene
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Phoenix, AZ 85016

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