The detectives obtained search warrants for multiple persons of interest in the investigation

Search warrants

The detectives obtained search warrants for multiple persons of interest in the investigation.

The detectives talked to Lee about some questions that came up after their last conversation

Lee Merryweather interview #3

The detectives talked to Lee about some questions that came up after their last conversation.

The detectives asked Ray about some new information uncovered since their last conversation

Ray Jennings interview #3

The detectives asked Ray about some new information uncovered since their last conversation.

The detectives asked Carl what he knew about some recent developments in the investigation

Carl Asher interview #3

The detectives asked Carl what he knew about some recent developments in the investigation.

The detectives wanted to see if Kyle had anything to add to his previous statement

Kyle Colby interview #2

The detectives wanted to see if Kyle had anything to add to his previous statement.

Blood samples collected at the crime scene and from suspects were submitted for ABO typing

Blood ABO Typing

Blood samples collected at the crime scene and from suspects were submitted for ABO typing.

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