The detectives wanted to know why Babara's vehicle was at Victor's house the day he died

Barbara Daniels

Barbara Daniels interview

Friday, March 15, 2019 – 8:32 a.m.

Barbara Daniels dated Victor Jennings in college, and her car was reportedly seen at his house the day he was killed.

Detectives Murphy and Parker interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.


  • Detective S. Murphy
  • Detective E. Parker
  • Barbara Daniels

Detective Murphy: Thank you for coming in, Ms. Daniels. Would you please state your name and address for the record?

Barbara Daniels: You're welcome. My name is Barbara Jean Daniels, and I live at 805 College Hill Road, Apt # 13.

Detective Murphy: We're investigating the murder of Victor Jennings and wanted to ask you a few questions.

Barbara Daniels: Okay, but I knew Victor a long time ago. I don't know how I can help.

Detective Parker: When exactly did you know Mr. Jennings?

Barbara Daniels: I dated Victor when I was a student at Ole Miss.

Detective Murphy: Was your relationship serious?

Barbara Daniels: I certainly thought so. I found out too late that Victor had different ideas. I fell for him the moment I met him. I really thought he was the one.

Detective Murphy: What happened?

Barbara Daniels: Well, I started hearing rumors that Vic was playing around, cheating on me. Some of the girls said he'd been pretty aggressive with them.

Detective Murphy: What did you think when you heard that?

Barbara Daniels: At first, I didn't believe it, but finally I had to know. I asked him if I was the only one. He nearly choked on his 7 & 7.

Detective Murphy: What did he say?

Barbara Daniels: He said he was too young to be tied down to one girl and I was stupid to think otherwise. I told him that wasn't going to work for me. I said he had to make a choice—me or other girls—and he had to do it right then.

Detective Parker: What did he say to that?

Barbara Daniels: "Sayonara." Literally, that's what he said. I said something a lot less polite, and that was it. We were done.

Detective Parker: Did you see him again after that night?

Barbara Daniels: No. I ran out. He didn't follow. I had a couple of finals left, and after that, I packed up and went home to Robinson. I didn't call him, and he didn't call me.

Detective Parker: You never thought of him again?

Barbara Daniels: Oh, I thought about him almost every day. I've looked into his eyes daily for the past 20 years.

Detective Parker: You still carry a picture of him?

Barbara Daniels: My daughter has his eyes.

Detective Parker: Really? No one told us Victor was a father.

Barbara Daniels: No one knows. Even Victor didn't know until recently.

Detective Parker: You never got any child support?

Barbara Daniels: I raised Troy by myself. She is a wonderful person, nothing at all like her father, thank god.

Detective Murphy: Why are you back in Oxford after all these years?

Barbara Daniels: Because despite all my efforts to get her to go somewhere—anywhere—else, Troy wanted to attend Ole Miss. She said it was for me, that her graduating might make up for my dropping out. She's such a sweet girl.

Detective Parker: How did Victor react when you told him he had a daughter?

Barbara Daniels: He called me a liar and a slut.

Detective Murphy: When was this?

Barbara Daniels: Mid-February. I went by his house to see if he would give Troy the money she needed to tour Europe with her dance troupe. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I really wanted to make it happen for her.

Detective Parker: Did he give her the money?

Barbara Daniels: No.

Detective Parker: Did that make you angry?

Barbara Daniels: Of course it did. I could have taken him to court and made him pay for all those years she was growing up, but I didn't. And now he wouldn't give her a measly $3,000? That was pocket change for him. Selfish jerk.

Detective Murphy: What did you do when he said no?

Barbara Daniels: I left.

Detective Murphy: Did you visit him again after that?

Barbara Daniels: No.

Detective Murphy: Was that the last time you talked to him?

Barbara Daniels: No, I called a few more times. I kept hoping he would change his mind once he got used to the idea of having a daughter.

Detective Murphy: Did he?

Barbara Daniels: Not that I know of. Someone killed him before he got the chance to do the decent thing.

Detective Parker: Did you kill him?

Barbara Daniels: What? Oh my god, no.

Detective Parker: Do you know who did?

Barbara Daniels: No. How would I know that?

Detective Murphy: Could you give us Troy's contact information? We need to ask her a few questions.

Barbara Daniels: Why do you need to talk to her? She didn't have anything to do with Victor. You leave her alone.

Detective Parker: The thing is, we have a report that a vehicle registered to you and your daughter was seen at Victor's house the day he was killed. You said you didn't go there after that time in mid-February, so it must've been Troy.

Barbara Daniels: It wasn't.

Detective Parker: How do you know that?

Barbara Daniels: She never met Victor in person, and now she'll never have to.

Detective Parker: Did you kill Victor to make sure she never met him?

Barbara Daniels: Listen, I didn't kill Victor, and neither did Troy. I can't help what some crazy old lady told you. Now, I'm not answering any more questions. I'm leaving. Goodbye.

Detective Parker: Don't be surprised if you hear from us again.

Interview ended – 8:47 a.m.


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