Crime scene evidence


Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy. Det. E. Parker
Incident No.: 001212-09C-2019
Case Description: Victor Jennings death investigation

The following items were taken into evidence from the crime scene at Victor Jennings' residence at 424 Turnberry Circle.

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Recovered from the kitchen:

  • 001212-01: One (1) 13cm ivory-colored plastic knife handle with metal ends, blade broken off
  • 001212-02: Blood sample taken from countertop north of body
  • 001212-03: Blood sample taken from floor north of body
  • 001212-04: Blood sample taken from corner of dishwasher west of body
  • 001212-05: Blood sample taken from floor west of body
  • 001212-06: Blood sample taken from floor west of body
  • 001212-07: Blood sample taken from floor underneath body
  • 001212-08: Blood sample taken from knife handle
  • 001212-09: One (1) strand of hair, brunette, 15.25cm
  • 001212-10: One (1) strand of hair, brunette, 5.25cm
  • 001212-11: One (1) strand of hair, brunette, 14.7cm
  • 001212-12: One (1) strand of hair, brunette, 15cm
  • 001212-13: One (1) strand of hair, brunette, 15.1cm



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