Human silhouette in front of a police booking height chart

Suspect #1 interview, pt 2

The detectives asked the first suspect to clarify some things the other suspect said.

Human silhouette in front of a police booking height chart

Suspect #2 interview, pt 2

The detectives asked the second suspect to comment on what the first one alleged.

Handcuffs with crime scene tape and police lights in the background and the Oxford Weekly Planet logo in the foreground

Surprise in holiday death

The Crime Beat reports: the YCSD announced significant developments in prof's mystery death.

Gloved hand holding a test tube with binary code in the background

Forensic analysis

The lab analyzed the search evidence and updated their findings on the scene evidence.

Human silhouette in front of a police booking height chart

Suspect #1 interview, pt 1

The detectives asked the suspect to explain some of the evidence they uncovered.

Human silhouette in front of a police booking height chart

Suspect #2 interview, pt 1

The detectives asked the other suspect to explain some of the evidence they uncovered.



Crime Scene
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Phoenix, AZ 85016

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