Evidence analysis - knife & jacket

Analysis of evidence found near Toby Tubby CreekThe lab examined the items collected alongside Toby Tubby Creek near the Eastgate Shopping Center for possible relevance to the Maxwell investigation.

Coroner's report - Caitlin Maxwell

Preliminary Coroner's Report on Caitlin Maxwell's autopsy

Preliminary report from the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office on the autopsy of Caitlin Maxwell. Additional analyses are ongoing.

Coroner's diagram - Caitlin Maxwell

Coroner's Diagram of Caitlin Maxwell's injuries

Manish Agarwal, M.D. of the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's office diagrammed Caitlin Maxwell's injuries.

Forensic analysis results

Analysis of evidence recovered in the Maxwell investigationThe lab examined the items collected during to the Maxwell investigation.

Maxwell investigation report

Maxwell missing persons investigation status report, January 16, 2014The detectives added this status report, which summarizes investigative activities on January 17-28, 2014, to the case file.

Alibi summaries

Maxwell case alibisInvestigators summarized the alibis for persons of interest in the Maxwell case and whether those alibis could be corroborated.

Well-being check - Ryan Rand

Detectives report on the well-being check on Ryan RandOn February 1, 2014, the detectives conducted a well-being check on Ryan Rand at his residence.

Maxwell investigation report

Maxwell missing persons investigation status report, February 3, 2014The detectives added this status report, which summarizes investigative activities on January 28 - February 3, 2014, to the case file.

Voice stress analysis

Voice stress analysis of subjects in the Maxwell caseVoice samples obtained from persons of interest to the case were assessed for vocal stress.

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