Well-being check - Ryan Rand


The following links are provided only to assist with navigation of this document and are not part of the report.

| Investigative Action | Action Description | Initial Findings |
| Search Inventory | Search Warrant |


Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department
711 Jackson Avenue E
Oxford, MS 38655

Date Reported:
 Time Reported:
  7:20 PM
 Reporting Officer:
  Det. Sam Murphy
 Unit Number:
 Assisting Officer:
  Det. Ted Armstrong
 Unit Number:


  Well-being check on Ryan Rand, witness in 000073-05A-2014
  3:00 PM
 17 Virginia Street, Oxford, MS
 Clear with gusty winds, 68° F / 20° C

Well-being check

 ACTION DESCRIPTION (Brief narrative of the investigative action taken.)

Following reports from multiple witnesses that Ryan Rand had not been seen or heard from for two weeks or more, R/Is conducted a well-being check at Rand's residence on February 1, 2014, at 3:00 p.m.

R/Is gained access to the residence via the property manager.


 INITIAL FINDINGS (Preliminary results of the investigative action)

There were no signs of forced entry at the main entrance to the residence.

Upon entry, R/Is observed the residence was in a state of general disarray. The living room was strewn with papers, textbooks, and clothing. R/Is observed multiple textbooks and paperback books, notebooks, empty soda cans and bottles, an empty pizza box, a 750ml bottle of vodka with approximately 1/3 remaining, and an empty glass on the coffee table.

In the dining room, R/Is observed a wireless router and two laundry baskets, one filled with apparently unwashed clothes and one filled with apparently unwashed bed and bath linens, on the dining table.

In the kitchen, R/Is observed unwashed dishes, glasses and flatware in the sink, and multiple empty takeout boxes on the countertops.

In the bathroom, R/Is observed towels on the floor and personal grooming items on the countertop and in the shower stall.

In the bedroom, R/Is observed clothing strewn about the room and noted that the closet doors were ajar and a few dresser drawers were open. R/Is observed what appeared to be the butt of a rifle or shotgun, partially wrapped in a blanket and protruding from underneath the bed.

After finding no persons, living or deceased, within the residence, R/Is exited the residence and sealed the scene until a search warrant could be obtained.

Following a preliminary search of the residence pursuant to the search warrant (attached), R/Is instructed CSU to process the entire scene according to standard procedure. CSU will conduct a more intensive search and report their findings.

In the parking lot outside the residence, R/Is located a 2007 Honda Fit vehicle registered to Ryan Rand. The vehicle was subsequently searched pursuant to the warrant. The 2012 BMW 328i vehicle registered to Ryan Rand was not found in the parking lot outside the residence.

R/Is left the scene at 9:15 p.m. Before leaving, R/I Murphy instructed CSU to seal the scene upon completion or end of day suspension of processing. As of this filing, CSU is still actively processing the residence and vehicle.

Evidence remanded into the custody of Forensics Officer T. R. Douglas for transport to the State Crime Lab for routine analysis.


 Unit Number
 Unit Number

Search Inventory



February 1, 2014


February 1, 2014

at 4:45 p.m.


on premises

17 Virginia Street
Oxford, MS


Detective Samantha Murphy and Detective Ted Armstrong of the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.


I received the attached search warrant February 1, 2014 and have executed it as follows:

On February 1, 2014 at 4:45 p.m., I searched the person or premises described in the warrant and left a copy of the warrant with on premises.



  • 000073-42: One (1) 12-gauge Ruger shotgun

  • 000073-43: One (1) blanket

  • 000073-44: One (1) 25-count box Winchester 12-gauge 3-inch shotshells, four remaining

  • 000073-45: One (1) 25-count box Winchester AA 12-gauge 2.75-inch steel target load shotshells, unopened

  • 000073-46: One (1) pair men's athletic shoes

  • 000073-47: One (1) pair men's field boots

  • 000073-48: One (1) men's fisherman knit sweater, stained

  • 000073-49: One (1) small folding shovel

  • 000073-50: One (1) garden shovel

  • 000073-51: One (1) pair men's leather work gloves in plastic bag

  • 000073-52: One (1) black leather strap, torn




I swear that this inventory is a true and detailed account of the person or property taken by me on the warrant.

//Samantha Murphy
Detective - Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Subscribed, sworn to, and returned before me this 3rd day of February, 2014.

//Harold R. McAfee
Yoknapatawpha County Court Judge

Search Warrant

Yoknapatawpha County Court

in the

State of Mississippi

In the matter of the search of:


17 Virginia Street
Oxford, MS 38655

Case Number: 000073-05A-2014

To Detective Samantha Murphy and any Authorized Officer of Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi.

Affidavit(s) having been made before me by Detective Samantha Murphy

who has reason to believe that on the premises known as

17 Virginia Street, Oxford, MS which is a ground-level unit in a brown, two-story, four-unit dwelling with parking lot, shown by public record as owned by Robert Rand and Louise Rand; a 2012 BMW 328i Convertible (VIN XXXXXXXXXXXXX) registered to Ryan Rand; and a 2007 Honda Fit Sport Class A (VIN XXXXXXXXXXXXX) registered to Ryan Rand;

in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi, there is now concealed a person or property, namely

Articles of clothing, footwear or other items with possible bloodstains and/or blood spatter; firearms; a knife with blade measuring at least 4 inches long and .5 inches wide;

and as I am satisfied that there is probable cause to believe that the person or property so described is now concealed on the person or premises above described and that grounds for application for issuance of the search warrant exist as stated in the supporting affidavit(s).

YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to search on or before February 7, 2014 (not to exceed 10 days) the person or property specified, serving this warrant and making the search in the daytime (6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.). If the person or property be found there seize same, leaving a copy of this warrant and receipt for the person or property taken and prepare a written inventory of the person or property seized and promptly return this warrant to US Judge or Magistrate,

At Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi

Dated this 1st day of February, 2014 at 4:20 p.m.

//Harold R. McAfee
Yoknapatawpha County Court Judge


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