Several dog owners have posted their missing pet flyers at Yoknapatawpha Pet Supply

Missing pets bulletin board

Yoknapatawpha Pet Supply hosts a community corkboard where pet parents and would-be pet parents can post notices.

Is there a pattern to where the dogs disappeared from?

Map the missing dogs

Help the Kudzu Kids find a pattern.

What did the security cam see?

The Youngs' security video

What and who did Mr. and Mrs. Young's security camera capture lurking around their yard?

What clues can you find in these frames from the security video?

Security video stills

Kudzu Kid Zach captured some frames from the Youngs' security video to get a closer look.

The Kudzu Kids made a plaster cast of the footprint in the Youngs' flower bed

Footprint evidence collection

Following Dr. Lamar's advice, the Kudzu Kids went looking for a possible footprint suggested by the security video.

Miss Zina let the Kudzu Kids take a picture of her notebook

Miss Zina's list of vehicles

Miss Zina made a list of cars and trucks she'd seen parked around a place she thought they didn't belong.

The Kudzu Kids used invisible fluorescent theft detection powder to find out who's been at the Jennings house

Identifying suspicious visitors

The Kudzu Kids used a technique Dr. Lamar taught them to investigate some recent suspicious activity.

The Kudzu Kids used a UV light to look for anti-theft powder in Riley Scott's vehicle

Detecting theft powder

Did the Kudzu Kids find any evidence in Mrs. Scott's vehicle?

The Kudzu Kids collected shoe impressions from their suspects

Collecting shoe impressions

The Kudzu Kids collected sample shoe impressions from their main suspects.



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