Jonah found his daughter's body and was interviewed at the scene

Jonah Dale interview

The detectives spoke to Jonah Dale at the crime scene, after he found his daughter's body and called 911.

Kevin saw Missy arguing with her boyfriend the day before she died

Kevin Travers interview

The detectives spoke with Missy Hammond's friend and neighbor, Kevin Travers, about what went on in the neighborhood the day before her body was found.

Brenda saw the fight between Missy and JP the afternoon before Missy's body was found

Brenda Marsh interview

The detectives spoke to a teenager who was babysitting across the street from the Hammond house on the afternoon of January 26, 2001.

Officers knocking on a residence door

Hammond neighbor canvass

Investigators conducted a canvass of residents in Missy Hammond's neighborhood.

The detectives asked the victim's ex-husband to provide an alibi for the time of the murder

Roger Hammond interview

The detectives brought in Roger Hammond to talk about his ex-wife's murder.

Multiple witnesses saw JP and Missy arguing the day she died

JP Wallace interview

The detectives brought in Missy Hammond's boyfriend to talk about their relationship and the argument they had the afternoon of her death.

Two hands clinking pint glasses of beer

JP Wallace alibi canvass

Investigators conducted a canvass of Murff's patrons to try to corroborate JP Wallace's alibi.

The detectives met with Dr. Flaherty to find out why he was in Missy Hammond's phone records

Dr. Charles Flaherty interview

The detectives spoke to the doctor whose phone number was in Missy Hammond's phone records.

Missy Hammond confided in her cousin Johnny

Johnny McPhail interview

The detectives talked to Jonah Dale's cousin, who had a close relationship with Dale's daughter, Missy Hammond.

The detectives found the Hammond had differing opinions of their former daughter-in-law

Thomas & Gloria Hammond interview

The detectives visited the Hammonds at their car dealership to talk about their son and former daughter-in-law.

The detectives tried to get Liddie to open up about what she witnessed around her mother's murder

Liddie Hammond interview

The detectives spoke with the victim's seven-year-old daughter about what she saw and heard the night her mother was killed.

Kevin remembered a letter Missy had given him before she died

Kevin Travers interview #2

Kevin Travers notified the detectives that he had some additional information to share with them.

The detectives think Brenda left out some details in her account of the events on the afternoon before Missy Hammond was found dead

Brenda Marsh interview #2

The detectives talked to babysitter Brenda Marsh again to clarify some questions about her original statement.

The detectives asked Steve about his current relationship with Missy

Steve Kirby interview

The detectives tracked down Missy's high school boyfriend and asked him to come in for an interview.

Chuck was babysitting with Brenda Marsh across the street from the victim's residence on January 26th

Chuck Ward interview

The detectives spoke to Brenda Marsh's friend who was with her the afternoon of January 26th.

This Airborne Express employee delivered a package to one of the victim's neighbors the afternoon of January 26th

Janet Hipps interview

The detectives tracked down the delivery driver seen in the victim's neighborhood on the afternoon of January 26th.

Vehicles on a showroom floor

Farrell Motors employee canvass

Investigators spoke to Farrell Motors employees to try to corroborate Roger Hammond's alibi.

The detectives questioned Selena about her relationship with Roger, her alibi, and more

Selena Crosscroft interview

The detectives spoke to Roger Hammond's girlfriend about her whereabouts the afternoon of January 26th and other relevant questions.

Dana was Missy's closest friend at the hair salon where they both worked

Dana Tonninger interview

Detective Murphy talked to one of Missy Hammond's close friends at the Southern Beauty hair salon.

Hair salon client chairs

Southern Beauty canvass

Investigators spoke to the victim's co-workers about her life and state of mind before her death.

Missy's father came in to answer some more questions about his daughter's life

Jonah Dale interview #2

The detectives asked Missy's father to come in for another interview to follow up on some open questions.

The detectives asked Maureen to clarify her relationship with Missy

Maureen Kirby interview

The detectives asked Steve Kirby's wife to come in for a conversation about her connection to the victim.

The detectives asked Steve to clarify his current relationships

Steve Kirby interview #2

The detectives asked Missy's former boyfriend to come back in and clarify a few open questions.

The detectives asked the victim's ex to clear up some holes in his original story

Roger Hammond interview #2

The detectives brought Roger Hammond back in to discuss some unresolved questions about his previous comments.



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