Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Incident Report'

Incident report

On January 27, 2001, a 911 caller reported the discovery of a body inside an Elm Street residence.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Evidence Inventory'

Hammond scene evidence inventory

CSU submitted this preliminary inventory of items taken into evidence in the Missy Hammond homicide investigation.

Map showing Missy Hammond's neighbors' residences

Hammond neighborhood map

Investigators prepared a map of Missy Hammond's neighborhood

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Incident Report'

YCSD archive: Break-in incident report

On January 18, 2001, a 911 caller reported a break-in at at residence at 311 Elm Street.

Number keys on a landline telephone

Missy Hammond phone records

YCSD investigators obtained Missy Hammond's phone records for the days prior to her death.

The coroner produced a preliminary report on Missy Hammond's autopsy

Coroner's report

Preliminary report from the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office on the autopsy of Melissa Hammond. Additional analyses are ongoing.

The victim's daughter drew pictures of her family

Liddie Hammond drawings

In happier times, the victim's daughter drew a picture of her family.

The victim gave her neighbor a letter to open if something happened to her

Missy's letter to Kevin Travers

Weeks before she died, Missy gave Kevin a letter to open if something happened to her.

Just what could Kevin Travers see of Missy's place from his house?

Travers' view of Hammond residence

Investigators prepared a diagram of the relative locations of the Hammond and Travers residences.

Hand signing a consent form

Search – Farrell Motors

Thomas Hammond gave investigators permission to collect evidence from the Farrell Motors service center.

An insurance investigator contacted the detectives regarding a policy on the victim

Insurance investigator's letter

An insurance investigator contacted the detectives regarding the Missy Hammond homicide investigation.

Investigators compiled a list of vehicles registered to persons of interest in the investigation

Registered vehicles

Investigators compiled a list of vehicles registered to persons of interest in the investigation.

File folder stamped "Alibi"

Maureen Kirby alibi

Investigators attempted to verify Maureen Kirby's whereabouts on the afternoon of January 26th.

Map showing locations relevant to the Missy Hammond investigation

Places of interest

Investigators prepared a map showing locations relevant to the Missy Hammond homicide investigation.

The Crime Lab reported their preliminary findings from the Missy Hammond crime scene

Preliminary forensics

The Crime Lab provided preliminary findings on their analysis of evidence collected in the Hammond investigation. Additional analyses are ongoing.

PI Thompson gave detectives a copy of her surveillance reports

PI report

Private investigator Pam Thompson provided a copy of her reports to the detectives.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Search – Roger Hammond

YCSD investigators obtained a warrant to search Roger Hammond's residence and vehicle.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Search – Kirbys

YCSD investigators obtained a warrant to search Steve and Maureen Kirby's residence and vehicles.



Crime Scene
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