Additional fingerprints found in the hidden room have been identified

Updated fingerprint analysis

In light of new information, additional fingerprint comparisons have been conducted.

The detectives asked one of the witness to explain some of the evidence

Suspect #1 interview

In light of new evidence and witness statements in the investigation into Kevin Gilmore's death, detectives asked one of the witnesses to come in for another conversation.

Following the interview with Suspect #1, the detectives spoke to another witeness

Suspect #2 interview

After speaking with Suspect #1, detectives asked another witness to come back in to talk to them again.

OWP's Crime Beat reports on arrests in the Kevin Gilmore case

Surprising end to decades-old murder case

The Crime Beat column reports: Arrests made in connection with the death of Kevin Gilmore, nearly a quarter century after his body was discovered

Latent Fingerprint Kit

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Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

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