Young man with a mohawk and tattoos lying face down on a carpeted floor

What happened?

Investigation Day 1

Yoknapatawpha Emergency Services received a 911 call reporting a man not breathing in a residence off South Lamar Boulevard. The OWP's Crime Beat jumped on the story as soon as they heard it on the scanner.

After inspecting the scene, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy went back to the station to interview the witnesses, starting with the dead man's best friend, who called 911.

Then they talked to Blake's girlfriend about what happened at the party. Next, they spoke to one of her friends, who was also there that night.

The next witness on their agenda was the man who was at the party to challenge Blake.

Then they asked the professor who was at Blake's party what he saw and heard that night.

Another member of Blake's band who was there that night told the detectives what she could remember about what happened.

Investigation Day 2

Just after midnight, the detectives talked to the last party guest who was waiting at the station, Blake's ex-girlfriend.

Then they reviewed the information investigators had gathered on Blake.

In the morning, the Oxford Weekly Planet updated their coverage of the death.

A short time later, CSU gave the detectives a diagram of the scene as well as an evidence inventory with photos.

Then the detectives sat down with the partygoer who left the scene before officers arrived.

Afterward, the detectives met with one of Blake's friends who wasn't at the party.

Next up was Bree's boyfriend, who delivered pizza to Blake's party.

Then the Jensons' next door neighbors, who are also friends of the family, came in to talk to the detectives. They spoke with the wife first. Then they talked to her husband.

After lunch, a member of Blake's band who wasn't at the party came in to talk to Detectives Armstrong and Murphy.

Late that afternoon, Blake's grandparents, who raised him, arrived at the sheriff's department. The detectives sat down with Luther Jenson first, and then they talked to his wife, Agnes.

Investigation Day 3

The next morning, the detectives met with Blake's doctor to learn more about his condition. While at the hospital, they got an update on Ginny Carr's condition.

Later, back at the station, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy got an unexpected visitor who wanted to talk about Blake.

That afternoon, the detectives received new information from the crime lab and the coroner's office.

Investigation Day 4

The next morning, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy started re-interviewing the surviving partygoers beginning with Kade and Bree.

Then they sat down with Jamey to see what he had to say about what Bree told them. Afterward, they had another conversation with Ron.

That afternoon, Kent and Madison came in separately to answer some follow-up questions.

Investigation Day 5

The next day, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy followed up with Stix and Marvin to try to get answers to some unresolved questions.

A little later, Kane came back in to talk to the detectives again.

Investigation Day 6

The next morning, the detectives brought in a witness for some more questions, and the conversation took a turn, which the local media reported by lunchtime.




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