Kane Victory interview
Monday, February 5, 2018 – 1:02 p.m.
Kane Victory is the bass player in Blake Jenson's band.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Kane Victory
Detective Armstrong: Thank you for coming in. Please take a seat over there. We need your name and address for our records.
Kane Victory: My name is Kane Victory, and I live at 235 Highway 6, west of Oxford. I still find it hard to believe that Blake is dead.
Detective Armstrong: When did you last see Blake?
Kane Victory: I went to Blake's place around 3:00 p.m. yesterday to look at our band schedule and wish him luck on the faceoff. Blake was his usual self, all cocky, pumped up for that Guitar Hero competition with some guy named Stix.
Detective Armstrong: But you didn't stay to watch?
Kane Victory: No.
Detective Armstrong: Why?
Kane Victory: I'm not into the whole party scene, and I was tired of Blake's constant bragging. I thought it was time he grew up and stopped acting like a spoiled brat.
Detective Murphy: Did you even like Blake?
Kane Victory: For the most part, yeah, but he could be such a jerk sometimes. When our band was playing, there'd be girls all over him. He'd encourage it. He didn't care that it bothered Madison, but don't let him catch Madison talking to another guy.
Detective Murphy: Why. Was he jealous?
Kane Victory: Yeah. Very. About me and Madison, I think. I had words with him over the way he treated her.
Detective Murphy: Did you and Madison give him a reason to be jealous?
Kane Victory: Look, I admit that I like Madison a lot, and I would've loved to take her away from Blake, but Madison didn't seem interested.
Detective Armstrong: Do you like Madison enough to kill Blake to get her?
Kane Victory: Of course not! Like I said, she isn't interested.
Detective Armstrong: Where were you last night?
Kane Victory: I was home. I went out and got a pizza, then came home and watched a movie on TV. The phone rang around midnight. It was Kent calling to tell me about Blake.
Detective Murphy: What did he say?
Kane Victory: That Blake was dead.
Detective Murphy: Anything else?
Kane Victory: Basically he rambled, saying like, it went dark, then Blake was on the floor, but Kent thought Blake was joking. Then he wasn't breathing, and Madison was screaming…uh…the cops were there, and that's pretty much it.
Detective Armstrong: Can you think of anyone who would want to harm Blake?
Kane Victory: I know a couple of people who didn't like Blake that much, but it's crazy to think of anyone wanting to kill him.
Detective Armstrong: Who are these people?
Kane Victory: Jamey Allen, for sure. His girlfriend was into Blake. I think if Blake had given her a second look, she would have ditched Jamey in a heartbeat.
Detective Murphy: What's his girlfriend's name?
Kane Victory: Bree Paxton.
Detective Murphy: Anyone else?
Kane Victory: No, I guess not.
Detective Armstrong: But?
Kane Victory: But Blake's ex-girlfriend, Jennifer Alexander, still had a thing for him and didn't hide the fact that she wanted him back.
Detective Armstrong: Why would that be of concern?
Kane Victory: She was super possessive when they were together and went way overboard once he ended it.
Detective Armstrong: Overboard in what way?
Kane Victory: Like she refused to accept that Blake dumped her. She still kinda acted like they were together, kept showing up wherever he was. Blake just blew her off, but she made the rest of us very uncomfortable.
Detective Murphy: Is there anyone else we should know about?
Kane Victory: I don't know. I don't think so.
Detective Murphy: Okay, thank you. We appreciate you coming in today.
Kane Victory: Really? I wish I could've been more help. I know Blake could be a butthead sometimes, but he was my friend, and I'm going to miss him.
Detective Murphy: We're sorry for your loss. If you think of anything that might be of help in this case, please call us.
Kane Victory: I don't know what's going to happen to our band now. No one can replace Blake.
Detective Murphy: We may want to talk to you again later, but you can go for now. Take care, Kane.
Interview ended – 1:37 p.m.