Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Search – Arbuckle residence

Investigators searched for potential evidence at Julie's home.

Smiling woman with dark hair in a ponytail

Shannon Bower interview #2

The detectives spoke to Shannon again to follow up on information gathered from other witnesses.

Man with receding dark hair and a gray goatee

Bryan Mortimer interview

The detectives spoke to Bryan to follow up on Shannon Bower's claim.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Search – Bower residence

Investigators executed a search warrant at Shannon's home in the presence of her partner.

Unsmiling woman with long dark hair

Marti Scarr interview

The detectives talked to Marti about Shannon Bower's whereabouts the night Ambrose Garrett died.

Older man with reddish-brown receding hair and a salt-and-pepper mustache

Chester Hawkins interview #2

The detectives tried again to see if Chester knew anything about Ambrose Garrett's death.

File folder stamped "Alibi"

Alibi summaries

YCSD investigators summarized the alibi confirmation status for several persons of interest.

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