Man with dark hair and facial hair, looking over the top of his glasses

Warren Edwards interview

Though typically allies, Warren and Ambrose had quarreled recently over Ambrose's actions.

Key pad of a landline telephone

Julie Arbuckle phone records

Investigators obtained Julie Arbuckle's call records for the day Ambrose died.

Front entrance of the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office

Coroner's preliminary report

The coroner's office provided a preliminary report summarizing their initial autopsy findings.

Man with short dark hair

Jamie Covington bio

Jamie lives in Whitehall with his parents, who travel frequently.

Man with short dark hair

Jamie Covington interview

Neighbors know Jamie as a charming mischief-maker who enjoyed tweaking Ambrose.

Slightly smiling woman wearing a suit and her dark hair neatly pulled back

Erin Markham bio

Erin moved into her Whitehall home last year after many years of extensive business travel.

Slightly smiling woman wearing a suit and her dark hair neatly pulled back

Erin Markham interview

Erin was one of the Whitehall residents who felt Ambrose wasn't strict enough.

Smiling man with dark hair

Patrick Tyler bio

Patrick, another Whitehall resident, has been friends with Delilah Garrett since college.

Smiling man with dark hair

Patrick Tyler interview

Patrick, who works at the same hospital as Delilah, knew Ambrose from the HOA.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Incident Report'

Archive: incident report

The detectives pulled a copy of the report for the incident involving Warren and Ambrose.

Dusted fingerprint with a scale alongside

Fingerprint analysis

The crime lab analyzed fingerprints found on evidence collected at the crime scene.

Excerpt of a map showing locations of interest to the investigation

Updated Places of Interest

Investigators updated the map with locations of more Whitehall residents relevant to the investigation.

Smiling woman with short white hair and glasses

Henrietta Jones interview

The detectives asked Delilah's supervisor about Delilah and her shifts on March 5th.

Baptist Memorial Hospital main entrance

Canvass – Delilah's co-workers

YCSD investigators spoke with Delilah's co-workers from the afternoon and night of March 5th.

Smiling woman with short red hair

Delilah Garrett interview #3

The detectives talked to Delilah about information uncovered since their last conversation.

Man with dark hair and facial hair, looking over the top of his glasses

Warren Edwards interview #2

The detectives spoke to Warren again after reviewing some recent forensic analysis findings.

Smiling woman with long reddish hair

Mary Wallace interview #2

The detectives asked Mary for more information about the HOA meeting the night Ambrose died.

Smiling man with dark hair

Patrick Tyler interview #2

The detectives asked Patrick to clarify his relationship with Delilah and Ambrose.

Smiling blonde woman with glasses

Julie Arbuckle interview #3

The detectives asked Julie to help explain some recent forensic analysis results.

Chemical symbol for isopropanol

Toxicology findings

The crime lab conducted additional toxicological analyses on evidence in the Garrett investigation.

Man with short dark hair

Jamie Covington interview #2

The detectives hoped being at the station would get Jaime to take their conversation seriously.

Hand signing a consent form

Search – Garrett residence

Delilah Garrett allowed investigators to search her home for evidence relevant to her husband's death.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Search – Edwards residence

Investigators executed a search warrant at the Edwards residence.

Smiling young woman with long dark hair

Eve Edwards interview

The detectives talked to Warren's daughter while other investigators searched the residence.

Smiling man with short dark hair and wearing a suit and tie

David McMahan interview #2

The detectives asked David how the HOA changed after he and Ambrose were elected.

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