YCSD Archive: Drum/Roberts incident report

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Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department
711 Jackson Avenue
Oxford, MS 38655

     ___ Juvenile
     ___ Senior
     ___ Gang
     ___ Child
     ___ Domestic
     ___ Involved
Date Reported:
 Time Reported:
  4:15 PM
  ___ Committed
  ___ Attempted
  ___ Committed
  ___ Attempted
  ___ Committed
  ___ Attempted
 Location of Offense (Exact address, include Room/ Apt. No.)
  916 Jackson Avenue East
  Oxford, Mississippi
 Date of Offense:
 Time of Offense:
 Location of Arrest (Exact address, include Room/Apt. No.)
 Date of Arrest:
 Time of Arrest:
 Reporting Officer:
  Officer Maria Richards
 Unit Number:
 Assisting Officer:
 Unit Number:


 Foul Play Suspected
 Monica Drum
 Alias/Street Name/ Nickname
 Vic/Offender Relationship
 5' 6"
 125 lbs.
 Soc. Security #
 none visible
 Injury Extent
 Injury Description
 660 North 6th Street, Oxford, MS
 Res Phone 662-463-XXXX
 Bus Phone 662-234-XXXX
 City reporter
 Oxford Eagle
 Employer Address
 916 Jackson Avenue East, Oxford, MS


 Foul Play Suspected
 Melvin Roberts
 Alias/Street Name/ Nickname
 Vic/Offender Relationship
 5' 9"
 210 lbs.
 Soc. Security #
 none visible
 Injury Extent
 Injury Description
 2131 Anchorage Road, Oxford, MS
 Res Phone 662-281-XXXX
 Bus Phone 662-232-XXXX
 Melvin's Nite Owl
 Employer Address
 Highway 30 & N. Lamar Blvd, Oxford MS

Reporting Officer's Narrative

  REPORTING OFFICER'S NARRATIVE (Brief narrative of the facts surrounding the offense and the arrest.)

Monica Drum (Person 1) called the sheriff's department's non-emergency phone number and indicated she would like to file a harassment complaint. Dispatch assigned on-duty patrol unit 221 (Ofc. Maria Richards) to take the report.

R/O arrived at the Oxford Eagle offices at 4:15 p.m. and met with Monica Drum. The complainant said she'd received a number of calls of a threatening nature from Melvin Roberts (Person 2). She said Roberts was "out to get her," and she was beginning to worry about her safety.

The complainant said she had reported extensively on Roberts's recent arrest and trial for rape in her capacity as a reporter for the Oxford Eagle. She said Roberts apparently has significant resentment towards her, despite his recent acquittal.

The complainant often spends time alone in the Oxford Eagle building and said she was beginning to feel uncomfortable. She estimated Roberts had called her four or five times in the last month, usually between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. R/O suggested that the complainant file for a restraining order, but she said she wasn't sure she wanted to go that far yet.

R/O advised the complainant to notify the YCSD if the harassment continued or escalated.


  DEFENDANT'S VERSION/REMARKS (What did the defendant say?)

R/O visited Melvin Roberts (Person 2) at the Melvin's Nite Owl convenience store. Roberts was hostile in response to questioning regarding Monica Drum, although he did not threaten violence. Roberts denied making any calls to Drum and challenged Drum to prove it.

R/O advised Roberts it would be possible to trace calls made to Drum, if necessary, whereupon he became extremely agitated and stated, "She can't prove anything! She can't prove a goddamn thing!"

R/O advised Roberts that if he wanted to be left alone, he had to stay out of trouble. R/O further cautioned Roberts that such behavior could jeopardize his participation in the diversion program for his public intoxication offenses. Roberts acknowledged that he understood.

 REPORTING OFFICER  Maria Richards  DATE REPORTED  12/20/2019
 REPORTING OFFICER  //Maria Richards
 Unit Number
 Unit Number





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