What happened?

Pool chemical bucket alongside Detective Murphy with a map showing the location in the background

Investigation Day 1

Taylor, Mississippi, farmer Tucker Allison called 911 after his son and a friend made a disturbing discovery on the family farm.

After Detectives Armstrong and Murphy examined the crime scenes, they talked to Mr. Allison about the find.

Then they asked young Freddy how he and his friend happened to locate the eerie scene.

After hearing Freddy's story, the detectives spoke with Melissa to find out if she had any additional information.

Meanwhile, other investigators spoke to nearby residents to determine whether they'd seen or heard anything unusual in the area in recent weeks.

Investigation Day 2

First thing the next morning, the Oxford Weekly Planet's Crime Beat told Yoknapatawphans about the gruesome find.

At the same time, CSU sent over preliminary inventories of evidence collected at the vandalism and bucket scenes on the Allison farm.

Then, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy went to see a local couple named Daniels to find out if they might have a connection to the name found at the vandalism scene.

When they got back to the station, responses to their inquiries to neighboring law enforcement agencies started coming in, the first one from Pontotoc County.

The detectives also heard from Panola and Calhoun counties. They plotted all the locations on a map to visualize any possible connections.

Investigation Day 3

By morning, the Oxford Weekly Planet had gotten wind of the expanding scope of the investigation.

While the different jurisdictions worked to determine whether their incidents were related, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy got an ID on the head via dental records.

Once they had that information, they notified the next of kin and sat down with them individually to get more information about the family situation.

Investigation Day 4

By the next morning, the detectives had tracked down Laurie's former fiancé and asked him to come in to talk about their history.

After speaking with him, they asked his ex-roommate to come to the station for a conversation about Forrest and Laurie.

Then, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy met with one of Callie's roommates to get another perspective on the three of them.

That afternoon, they received two pieces of information from Callie, as promised.

Investigation Day 5

The next day, Callie worked with investigators to figure out where Laurie had been since she left Oxford in 2013.

She also shared the last voicemail she got from Laurie.

Meanwhile, the detectives learned that JC Strong had resurfaced and had him come in for a conversation.

When JC left, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy got in touch with his brother to find out what he had to say.

Investigation Day 6

In the morning, the detectives received some preliminary forensics on evidence collected in Yoknapatawpha County and elsewhere.

Later on, after investigators had mapped out locations related to the case, the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner sent over a preliminary autopsy report.

Investigation Day 7

Detectives Armstrong and Murphy attended Laurie's funeral, and after the services were over, they and other investigators spoke to some of the many mourners who came to remember Laurie and support her parents.

That evening, the detectives spoke with the woman who was Laurie's sister's best friend when they were growing up.

Investigation Day 8

As investigators worked to find out more about Laurie's sister, Bart and Bonnie Daniels made an astonishing announcement.

Meanwhile, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy traveled out of state to talk to a witness who knew had a relationship with Melanie.

Investigation Day 9

When they arrived back in Oxford, the detectives learned that Forrest's former landlord was in town, so they asked him to come in for a chat.

After they finished talking to Bobby, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy reviewed the phone call information they got from him and from Reggie.

Some other potential leads started coming in, beginning with the record of a money transfer involving Laurie. They also got information about two traffic violations connected to a person of interest.

Before they could follow up on any of the new leads, the detectives were notified of a 911 call from Yocona reporting an alleged threat.

The target of the alleged threat was transported to the station and spoke with Detectives Armstrong and Murphy before making a statement.

Investigation Day 10

While the Oxford Weekly Planet was updating readers on the latest developments in the investigation, the detectives headed out to Coles Point to find out what, if anything, people out there had witnessed.

Later, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy spoke to a man who often stops by the bait shop in Coles Point.

After hearing what he had to say, Investigators obtained call records from the bait shop's payphone.

Investigation Day 11

The next morning, Bart and Bonnie Daniels issued another statement to the press.

Later that day, following lengthy negotiations with the Daniels family attorney, investigators were able to arrange to speak to Bart and Bonnie.

After that encounter, the detectives reviewed the alibis for persons of interest in the investigation and added some newly relevant locations to their map.

Investigation Day 12

In the morning, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy got a judge to sign their search warrants, but when they went to execute the first one, they found something they didn't expect.

Investigation Days 13 & 14

Detectives Armstrong and Murphy teamed up with a K-9 unit to inspect the scene for potential evidence.

Investigation Day 15

The next day, the detectives touched base with the Crime Lab to get a preliminary verbal report on their early findings and learned about an item of interest found at the scene.

Investigation Day 16

Once they got some additional findings on evidence from that scene, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy realized they only needed a bit more information to close their case.

Investigation Day 17

When that information came in the next morning, the detectives told the sheriff's department spokesperson to schedule a press briefing.



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