REPORTING OFFICER'S NARRATIVE(Brief narrative of the facts surrounding the offense and the arrest.)
At 12:16 p.m., Dispatch received a 911 call reporting vandalism at a residence at 126 CR 432 in Yocona. The caller identified himself as Forrest Burgess (Person 1) and indicated that the vandalism represented a threat and that he was in fear for his life.
Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Unit 223 (Officer Jay Anderson) was dispatched and arrived at the scene at 12:25 p.m. Environmental conditions at the scene upon arrival are as follows: Weather: Fair; Ambient Temperature: 61°F / 16°C; Relative Humidity: 46%.
R/O was met by an adult male who identified himself as Forrest Burgess. Burgess was in a highly agitated state and escorted R/O to a location in the front of the residence where he directed R/O's attention to a tree.
R/O observed what appeared to be an egg hanging from a branch of the tree by a rope. Burgess said he had just discovered the egg and that it had not been there the night before. Burgess indicated that the egg represented a threat on his life and insisted that R/O must document the scene and collect the egg as evidence to be used against the person who left it if anything should happen to Burgess.
Burgess alleged that the threat was made by a "Dr. Yah Yah" but could provide no evidence to substantiate the claim. Burgess said YCSD detectives were familiar with "Dr. Yah Yah" and could corroborate his assertions. Burgess refused to provide any information about why "Dr. Yah Yah" would want to harm him, saying that it would put him in more danger to do so.
Burgess repeated that he was in fear for his life and was afraid to remain at his residence. Burgess requested that R/O transport him to Oxford.
R/O photographed the egg and took it and the rope tied around it into evidence.
In light of Burgess' continued agitated state, R/O had concerns about Burgess' safety. R/O suggested that he transport Burgess to the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department where Burgess could provide investigators with more information about the threat.
Burgess voluntarily agreed to accompany R/O to the YCSD station in Oxford.