Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Arrest Report'

Arrest report

The detectives took a suspect into custody in connection with the Barbara Dubois homicide investigation.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Suspect #1 search

The detectives obtained a warrant to collect biological samples from the suspect in custody.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Search Warrant'

Suspect #2 search

YCSD investigators also searched another suspect for evidence in the Barbara Dubois homicide investigation.

Handcuffs with the Oxford Weekly Planet logo in the foreground

Surprise arrest

The Crime Beat reports… an unexpected arrest in connection with the Dubois homicide case.

DNA helix on a black background

Preliminary DNA analysis

The Crime Lab provided preliminary DNA analysis findings on the biological evidence.

Silhouette of a person in front of a police height chart

Arrestee interview

The detectives sat down for a conversation with the recent arrestee and the suspect's attorney.

Smiling man with short hair and scruffy facial hair

Bill Lamar interview #3

The detectives asked Barbara's high school boyfriend to clarify some unresolved questions.

Lamar Cosmetics logo covered by a Bankruptcy stamp with the Oxford Weekly Planet logo in the foreground

Fading beauty

Crime Beat reports… Lamar Cosmetics downplays the latest turn of events for the company.

DNA helix on a black background

Updated DNA analysis

The Crime Lab provided some updated results that incorporate recently collected evidence.

Seal of Yoknapatawpha County with the label 'Arrest Report'

Arrest report #2

The detectives took another suspect into custody in connection with the Barbara Dubois homicide investigation.

Human silhouette in front of a police booking height chart

Arrestee #2 interview

The detectives talked with the recent arrestee about the death of Barbara Dubois.

Sunlit courtroom with the Oxford Weekly Planet logo in the foreground

Accused killer arraigned

The Crime Beat reports… Barbara Dubois's accused killer makes first court appearance.

Rainbow over a meadow with the Oxford Weekly Planet logo in the foreground

Happily ever after?

Today in Yoknapatawpha County… Barbara Dubois's loved ones find hope and strength to carry on.



Crime Scene
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Phoenix, AZ 85016

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