Dubois scene inventory


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 001995-01E-2021
Case Description: Barbara Dubois homicide investigation

The following items have been taken into evidence from the scene of the Barbara Dubois homicide at the Yoknapatawpha County Conference Center, 1710 Belk Boulevard in Oxford.


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Collected from the crime scene (YCCC Room 273)

  • 001995-01: One (1) trophy, labeled "First Annual Yoknapatawpha County Literature Festival Beauty Pageant 2021", 28" x 8" x 3.5"
  • 001995-02: One (1) black leather jacket, size 50, with reddish-brown stains consistent with blood, worn by Bill Lamar
  • 001995-03: One (1) green long-sleeved pullover sweater, size 41, with reddish-brown stains consistent with blood, worn by Bill Lamar
  • 001995-04: One (1) pair blue denim jeans, size 33x34, with reddish-brown stains consistent with blood, worn by Bill Lamar
  • 001995-05: One (1) small artificial fingernail fragment, recovered adjacent to victim’s left foot
  • 001995-06 through 001995-07: Two (2) samples from possible vomit pool in hallway outside YCCC Room 273
  • 001995-08 through 001995-09: Two (2) samples from blood trail beginning in hallway leading to YCCC Room 273
  • 001995-10 through 001995-11: Two (2) samples from blood trail beginning in YCCC Room 273 leading to hallway
  • 001995-12 through 001995-13: Two (2) samples from blood pool near victim's head

Collected from YCCC office (YCCC Room 101)

  • 001995-14: One (1) hotel guest register
  • 001995-15: One (1) hotel guest car information listing
  • 001995-16: One (1) three-ring binder labeled "YCCC Maintenance Records"

Collected from YCCC dumpster

  • 001995-17 through 001995-20: Four (4) large trash bags, full
    • Bags and contents transferred to State Crime Lab for analysis
  • 001995-21: One (1) manila file folder labeled "YC Lit Fest Pageant/Lamar Cosmetics"
    • Contents: assorted business documents.
  • 001995-22: One (1) medium-sized plastic bag labeled "YCCC Dry Cleaning"
    • Contents: semi-liquid substance visually consistent with vomit 
    • Bag and contents transferred to State Crime Lab for analysis

Collected from linen closet (YCCC Room 275)

  • 001995-23: One (1) pair of women’s shoes, 3" heels, size 4, grey, with reddish-brown stains on heel and sole of left shoe
    • Shoes transferred to State Crime Lab for analysis

Collected from Faulkner Conference Room (YCCC Conference Room 1-A)

  • 001995-24: One (1) three-ring binder labeled "Pageant Judge Material"

Collected from YCLF Beauty Pageant Office (YCCC Room 119)

  • 001995-25 through 001995-26: Two (2) 128GB SD memory cards
  • 001995-27: One (1) sheet of paper recording the guest list for the Pageant Gala
  • 001995-28: One (1) invoice for photo services from Margold Studios



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