Dead man with Christmas tree

The voters selected the caption "Death: the gift you can't return" as their favorite. Christina submitted that entry, and she wins a $15 Crime Scene coupon.

inventoryThese items were taken into evidence at the Jackson Walker crime scene. Items listed here are in addition to any evidence inventoried in the incident report.

witnessThis witness spent time with the victim on the afternoon and early evening of his death. At this time, she is the last person known to have seen him alive.

victimJackson Walker's happy home life ended when his parents divorced and the children were split between the two households.

witnessSylvia Mason, a friend of the victim's, was adopted as an infant and raised in Oxford.

press-deadmanThe local newspaper reports on the untimely death of Jackson Walker.

incidentAn unidentified male caller contacted 911 to report the discovery of a local man's body in his home.

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