Evidence inventory


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 000183-09A-2020
Case Description: Jerry Shaw death investigation

The following items were taken into evidence from the scene of an unexplained death behind the Yoknapatawpha Acres nursing home at 1305 Belk Boulevard.


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Collected from the Yoknapatawpha Acres death scene

  • 000183-01: One (1) 8-ounce paper cup, white with flower decoration, recovered 3" east of the victim's left hip, 1/8" west of the curb
  • 000183-02: One (1) Shipley Do-Nuts receipt, recovered 6" north-northeast of the victim's left foot, 1/8" west of the curb
    Purchases listed:
    • One (1) Big Earl sausage and cheese kolache
    • One (1) strawberry filled donut
    • One (1) chocolate iced donut
    • One (1) coffee
  • 000183-03 through 000183-04: Two (2) samples of organic material recovered southeast of the victim's left foot
  • 000183-05: One (1) cell phone, recovered from pocket on victim's right pants leg
  • 000183-06 through 000183-11: Six (6) full and partial latent fingerprints recovered from the east side of the dumpster



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