Smiling woman with shoulder-length light brown hair

Margery Adams bio

Margery Jenkins was born on April 1, 1969, to Daniel and Rose Jenkins. She was an only child and her parents' pride and joy.

Margery was walking by 10 months old, and once she started talking, she never stopped. Daniel always said Margery should be a lawyer when she grew up because she never gave up, and she would argue about anything just to keep the conversation going.

Rose taught Margery how to sew, cook, and make flower arrangements in hopes that her daughter would be a florist or a chef someday.

Margery was a cheerleader in elementary school, and she played volleyball and ran track in junior high. In high school, she put all her focus on her grades and graduated at the top of her class.

Margery went on to college, where she met a young man named Timothy Adams from Ashland, Mississippi. She was thrilled to find out how much they had in common. Both were only children, avid readers, and daily joggers. Neither one wanted to have children.

Soon, they fell in love and married while they were still in college. When Tim graduated two years before Margery, he went home to Ashland, where he found a job and a house for them to share once she completed her degree.

When Margery told her parents that she and Tim were going to live an hour away, Daniel and Rose were happy for her, although they wished she could be closer. Margery assured them that it wasn't so far away, and she and Tim would still come to visit whenever they could.

After Daniel's death in early 2019, Margery noticed that Rose seemed to be forgetful, almost as if she was actually losing pieces of her life.

Rose kept saying that she wanted to go home, that her house wasn't where she lived. One morning, Margery received a phone call from one of her mother's neighbors that Rose had walked far into the forest and apparently gotten lost. Some turkey hunters saw her and knew a woman of her age shouldn't have been out there in her nightgown. When they asked her where she lived, she told them she had a house nearby, but Rose had never had a home in the woods.

The incident scared Margery so much that she knew she had to find a different living situation for her mother. She arranged for Rose to move into the Yoknapatawpha Acres nursing home, where trained staff could take care of her 24/7 and keep her safe.



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