Visitors Log


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 000183-09A-2020
Case Description: Jerry Shaw death investigation

Receptionist Lillie Cain gave Detectives Armstrong and Murphy the visitors log from the Yoknapatawpha Acres nursing home (Evidence # 000183-12). The entries for January 9, 2020, the day Jerry Shaw died, are below. All information was filled out by the visitors.


DateVisitor's NameTime InTime OutReason for VisitSignature
1/9/20 Miriam Collier 10:00 AM 10:30 AM Down South Medical Supply //Miriam Collier
1/9/20 David Lombard 10:45 AM 10:50 AM flower delivery //David Lombard
1/9/20 Renee Roberts 11:35 AM 12:20 PM visit Agnes Wright //Renee Roberts
1/9/20 Ed Harbison 2:30 PM   Magnolia Harbison //Ed Harbison
1/9/20 Matt Hooper 2:47 PM 3:30 PM oxygen delivery //Matt Hooper
1/9/20 Manuel Cornelius Jr. 2:55 PM 3:15 PM Manuel Cornelius Sr. //Manuel Cornelius
1/9/20 Kate Berry 4:20 PM 5:05 PM visit Ada Marino //Kate Berry
1/9/20 Helen Small 5:30 PM 5:55 PM visit Robert MacLean //Helen Small


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