Albert Clark interview #2
Saturday, September 21, 2024 – 1:42 p.m.
Albert Clark is a Yoknapatawpha Acres nursing home resident.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed him at Yoknapatawpha Acres.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Albert Clark
Detective Murphy: For the record, please state your name and address.
Albert Clark: My name is Albert Clark. You can call me Albert or Al or Bert. I answer to them all. This is where I live.
Detective Armstrong: You said you wanted to tell us something?
Albert Clark: That's right. Now that Mr. Landrigan has been arrested, there's maybe a thing or two I can say.
Detective Armstrong: Did he tell you not to talk to us before?
Albert Clark: When people are an obvious threat, they don't need to say anything.
Detective Murphy: How did you feel threatened, Mr. Clark?
Albert Clark: Albert or Al or Bert. Mr. Landrigan was the man in charge. Everybody here worked under his direction. That made him a very powerful person. I learned a long time ago not to cross very powerful people.
Detective Armstrong: What is it you wanted to tell us, Mr— uh, Albert?
Albert Clark: Some of the employees here—and I'm not naming names—feel comfortable talking to an old man like me. Maybe they're not sure they understand their instructions, and they're afraid to ask the supervisor who can fire them, so they come to me.
Detective Armstrong: For example?
Albert Clark: For example, they unpack a carton that holds 20 boxes. The packing slip says 20 boxes were ordered and shipped, but the carton only contains 10. What should they do?
Detective Murphy: And what do you tell them?
Albert Clark: I tell them they should put the 10 boxes where they go and leave the running of Yoknapatawpha Acres to Mr. Landrigan.
Detective Armstrong: What do you think happened to the 10 missing boxes?
Albert Clark: Are you asking what I think, or are you asking what I saw with my own two eyes?
Detective Armstrong: Let's start with what you think.
Albert Clark: That Mr. Landrigan, he didn't believe that his salary was commensurate with his expertise.
Detective Murphy: You think he was stealing from the nursing home?
Albert Clark: I'm not saying that he himself sliced open cartons and slipped boxes out of the building under his shirt, but then he was management.
Detective Murphy: Are you suggesting he had help?
Albert Clark: Maybe he had help. Maybe he was the help, the person who knew how to get the most for the commandeered supplies. A man like Mr. Landrigan would have more connections than someone like, say, Jerry.
Detective Armstrong: So you believe Jerry and Mr. Landrigan were stealing from the nursing home to line their own pockets?
Albert Clark: They certainly never offered to line mine.
Detective Murphy: Okay. That's what you think. What did you see with your own two eyes?
Albert Clark: What I seen wouldn't send them to prison.
Detective Murphy: Now, Albert, you said you wanted to tell us something, but you haven't really said much yet that we don't already know. There's something else, isn't there?
Albert Clark: You all get to meet Miss Rose before she moved out?
Detective Murphy: Yes.
Albert Clark: Ol' Maggie is over there by herself now. She'll tell you she likes that better, but don't you believe it. Y'all might stop in and visit with her before you go. She could use the company.
Detective Armstrong: That's what you wanted to tell us? That Mrs. Harbison is lonely since her roommate moved out?
Albert Clark: You know, when I was younger, I was real strong. Could take care of myself. These days, I got to be a lot more careful.
Detective Murphy: Is there someone other than Richard Landrigan you're worried about?
Albert Clark: You been doing this cop job a while?
Detective Murphy: Yes.
Albert Clark: You ever notice that once a fellow steals his first wallet and gets away with it, he's not so nervous the next time, and it gets easier for him?
Detective Murphy: I suppose.
Albert Clark: And the longer he goes without getting caught, the more pockets he's going to pick.
Detective Murphy: Okay.
Albert Clark: But this pickpocket, he's going to do what he's good at, what he's been getting away with. He's not likely to up and decide one day to become a leg-breaker or a torch for hire. He's going to stick with what he knows, even if he comes close to getting caught a time or two.
Detective Murphy: What's your point, Albert?
Albert Clark: Just that, in my experience, folks are who they are. They don't, out of the blue, do something against their nature, and if you think they did, you were probably reading them wrong all along.
Detective Murphy: You think we're reading someone wrong?
Albert Clark: It happens sometimes is all I'm saying.
Detective Armstrong: Are you talking about who killed Jerry? Do you know who did it?
Albert Clark: I wouldn't want to accuse someone of something like that without knowing for sure. A person might not take too kindly to that.
Detective Armstrong: Was it Landrigan?
Albert Clark: He strike you as the type?
Detective Armstrong: He's the pickpocket you were talking about?
Albert Clark: If you say so.
Detective Armstrong: And you're not going to tell us who killed Jerry?
Albert Clark: I don't know who did it.
Detective Armstrong: Okay, you're not going to tell us who you think killed Jerry?
Albert Clark: I told you. I don't know who did it.
Detective Armstrong: Does anybody else around here know what you know?
Albert Clark: I can't rightly say. Not anybody here is free to just move along. I think we all understand it's not too smart to know too much.
Detective Armstrong: Are you holding up okay today, Al? Last time, you got tired while we were talking.
Albert Clark: I'm holding up all right.
Detective Armstrong: That's good to hear because this conversation has worn me out personally.
Detective Murphy: Well, Albert, thanks for talking to us. I think.
Albert Clark: Glad to. You all come back anytime.
Interview ends - 2:11 p.m.