Woman with glasses and a short blonde bob haircut

Natalie Martin interview #2

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 – 8:30 a.m.

Natalie Martin was the head nurse at the Yoknapatawpha Acres nursing home, where Jerry Shaw worked.

Detectives Armstrong and Murphy talked to her again at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.


  • Detective T. Armstrong
  • Detective S. Murphy
  • Natalie Martin

Detective Armstrong: Thanks for coming in. Please state your name and address for the record.

Natalie Martin: 1182 Mimosa Drive, Oxford, Mississippi.

Detective Armstrong: We were hoping to catch up with you at Yoknapatawpha Acres yesterday, but we were told you weren't there.

Natalie Martin: That's correct. I quit that job. I just couldn't stand any more of the horrible way the patients were treated. At any rate, I expect to be working again within the next few days at somewhere much better.

Detective Armstrong: When did you quit?

Natalie Martin: I was off all weekend. First time I've had two days off in a row in years, let alone a weekend. Anyway, I got to work yesterday morning, and the first resident I went to check on was Rose Jenkins. I smelled her before I was even in the room. I seriously don't think her diaper had been changed all weekend. It was disgusting. And the poor thing, oh, she had such a terrible rash. My heart broke for her. I went straight to Richard's office and let him have it.

Detective Armstrong: You gave him the diaper?

Natalie Martin: No, I went off on him. I was very angry and very loud. I told him all the things I had wanted to say for a long, long time. Would you believe he tried to turn it around and blame me? That man has no right to be a manager. He doesn't care about anything but his pocket. I really wanted to strangle him.

Detective Armstrong: Strangle him? Were you angry enough with Jerry Shaw to kill him, too?

Natalie Martin: Good grief, heavens no. Besides, I said I wanted to, not that I did. I am not the type to hurt anyone physically.

Detective Murphy: How did Mr. Landrigan respond?

Natalie Martin: He didn't say a word until I was done, and then he said it was all my fault, that I should have made sure that all my bases were covered before I left work on Friday. Then I took off my name tag, said, "I quit," and walked right out of that place. I'm going in tomorrow to pick up my paycheck. I might need an escort.

Detective Murphy: Why do you say that? Do you think someone might hurt you when you go back?

Natalie Martin: I wouldn't put anything past that man. Richard knew that the residents were being poorly cared for. He not only didn't care, he encouraged it.

Detective Murphy: How so?

Natalie Martin: Whenever I would complain— well, let me give you an example. One day, I went into Rose and Magnolia's room. Jerry was in there, and Maggie was begging him to hang a clock that she had. Bless her heart, Maggie is a cantankerous woman, and she's obsessed with time, but Jerry just gave her the runaround.

Detective Murphy: What do you mean?

Natalie Martin: He would say nasty things like, "You got a date, at your age?" or "You taking medicine?" He was being mean. I told him to stop it and hang the clock. He just ignored me and walked out of the room.

Detective Murphy: Was that the end of it?

Natalie Martin: No, I followed him, asking him to just do this one thing without making a big deal out of it, but then Richard walked by and overheard us. Richard said, "Don't you dare hang that clock without a work order."

Detective Armstrong: What did he mean by work order?

Natalie Martin: Anytime any of us did anything that wasn't in our job description, we had to go to him for a work order. I think he was actually billing the residents for these tiny little chores. It makes my blood boil just to think about him.

Detective Armstrong: When was this discussion about the clock?

Natalie Martin: Last week, mid-week, I think.

Detective Armstrong: You don't know which day?

Natalie Martin: I'm sorry.

Detective Armstrong: Was it the day Jerry was killed?

Natalie Martin: I don't think so. Maybe the day before, though?

Detective Murphy: Have you had any contact with Mr. Landrigan since you left?

Natalie Martin: He called me last night and asked if I wanted to change my mind about quitting. The deluded fellow thought I would come back.

Detective Armstrong: What did you say?

Natalie Martin: Nothing. I hung up on him.

Detective Armstrong: Did you report what you saw with Mrs. Jenkins to anyone else other than Mr. Landrigan?

Natalie Martin: You better believe it. I filed a complaint with the Health Department yesterday afternoon.

Detective Armstrong: Anyone else?

Natalie Martin: I also called her daughter Margery. I knew she'd want to know. Listen, I want to help you get that no-good, uh, jerk, but I have an interview at the hospital in 25 minutes. May I go? I want to get there early.

Detective Armstrong: Sure. Thank you for your time. We'll be in touch if we have any more questions. Good luck with the interview.

Natalie Martin: Thanks.

Interview ended – 9:05 a.m.




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