Investigators stumped?

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Are investigators stumped already?

The pressure is on as the sheriff's department seeks leads in the slaying of ADA's wife

Magnifying glass focused on a fingerprint

As the sun sets on the first full day of the investigation into the shocking murder of Oxford socialite Kelly Moran, the sheriff's department remains mum about what leads they're pursuing to capture her killer.

Investigators have spoken to residents throughout the tony enclave where Moran lived and died, while detectives have reportedly been having heart-to-hearts with members of Moran's inner circle.

But has all of that talking generated any leads? The sheriff's department won't say.

"It's still early in the investigation," said sheriff's Public Information Officer Elizabeth Jones. "We're not going to discuss developments while the inquiry is ongoing."

Citizen group offers reward

Others in the community were more willing to speak out.

"What happened to Kelly Moran is an outrage," said Ben Morgan, president of Concerned Oxford Parents (COP). "A woman killed in her own home? We cannot and we will not stand by and allow this kind of violence to happen in our town."

Morgan said COP will offer a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the death of Kelly Moran.

"The people of Yoknapatawpha County expect—no, they demand to be safe in their own homes, and not to be at risk from murderous home invaders terrorizing our neighborhoods."

DA's office declines to weigh in

A spokesperson for the District Attorney expressed gratitude to Morgan and COP for their efforts to bring evidence to light in the case.

However, citing the active investigation, they refused to comment on whether they believe Kelly Moran's death is related to any of the cases her husband, Russell Moran, has prosecuted on behalf of the people of Yoknapatawpha County.

Not the Halloween scare anyone had in mind

With the authorities keeping what they know or don't know to themselves, Oxonians are finding this Halloween more frightening than they ever wanted as they remain on high alert for a real-life boogeyman among the costume-clad kids and partygoers on the streets of Yoknapatawpha County tonight.

If you have any information about the events surrounding Kelly Moran's death, you are asked to contact the sheriff's department or Yoknapatawpha Crime Stoppers. You are not required to give your name.

By Kemper Jones at 7:38 PM



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