Kenny Ross interview
Saturday, August 3, 2024 – 12:31 p.m.
In the past, Kenny Ross has assisted with investigations for the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department and other law enforcement organizations in the area.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy spoke with him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Kenny Ross
Detective Murphy: Would you please state your name and address for the record?
Kenny Ross: Kenny Ross. I live in an apartment at 805 College Hill Road.
Detective Armstrong: You still working on that online thing?
Kenny Ross: Under Glass Live? Yeah.
Detective Armstrong: How's it going?
Kenny Ross: It's not the same as when Hoyt was around, but we're doing the best we can.
Detective Armstrong: Running low on money?
Kenny Ross: Isn't everyone?
Detective Murphy: The reason we asked you to come down, someone mentioned you recently.
Kenny Ross: Only good things, I hope.
Detective Murphy: That depends. Selling drugs would be a good way to raise money for your business.
Kenny Ross: I left that life behind me.
Detective Murphy: You're not dealing?
Kenny Ross: No, ma'am.
Detective Murphy: That's funny. We heard differently.
Kenny Ross: You can't blame me for what you hear.
Detective Armstrong: What kind of vehicle you driving these days?
Kenny Ross: An old beater. A bungee cord keeps the passenger door closed. Like I said, I'm saving up.
Detective Armstrong: What color is it?
Kenny Ross: Silver. Why? You in the market?
Detective Armstrong: You know anybody on Muirfield Drive?
Kenny Ross: I might know the person without knowing where they live. You, for instance.
Detective Armstrong: We have a witness who places your car there.
Kenny Ross: Maybe I lent my car out to a friend.
Detective Armstrong: When was that?
Kenny Ross: I wasn't thinking of any time in particular, but if it was my car your witness thinks they saw, could have been someone else behind the wheel.
Detective Murphy: Is the name Karen West familiar?
Kenny Ross: I know a lot of people in town. Sometimes, you don't get past first names. Karen? I've known a Karen or three.
Detective Armstrong: How about Kelly Moran?
Kenny Ross: Now that's a name that is familiar. Why would that be? Oh yeah, killed by a burglar. A real shame when you're not safe in your own home.
Detective Armstrong: You know her outside the news?
Kenny Ross: You know what they say about seven degrees of separation. I might know people who know people who know her without knowing her myself.
Detective Armstrong: So that's your story.
Kenny Ross: I never talked with the woman. On my mother's grave.
Detective Murphy: Are you still in touch with any of your old friends who weren't strangers to the world of illegal activities? You hear anything about a burglary gone bad?
Kenny Ross: No.
Detective Armstrong: You know anyone in a position to talk of such things?
Kenny Ross: People pass on what they hear. Just like I'm doing, cooperating here today.
Detective Murphy: But, Kenny, you're not passing on any information.
Kenny Ross: Can't repeat what I don't hear.
Detective Armstrong: You could do us a favor, keep your ears open.
Kenny Ross: I will.
Detective Armstrong: And you might turn in your license plate and get a new one before you're stopped.
Kenny Ross: Why would I be stopped?
Detective Armstrong: The lettering is starting to fade.
Kenny Ross: I will look into that.
Detective Murphy: Before you go, you have a phone these days? In case we want to get in touch again? Be faster than going through your parole officer.
Kenny Ross: My number changes a lot. I keep losing my phones.
Detective Murphy: Whatever you've got now will be fine. If it doesn't work later, we'll find you another way.
Kenny Ross: Yeah, okay. It's 662-410-XXXX.
Detective Murphy: Thanks. And thanks for coming in. Don't be a stranger.
Interview ended – 12:54 p.m.