Kenny Ross bio
Kenny Ross was born on June 16, 1992, to Marybeth Ross, who was 17 at the time. The birth certificate lists the father as unknown.
Marybeth stayed with her parents until Kenny turned one. She then rented a trailer and supported herself and her son by working as a waitress at a series of truck stops.
By 16, Kenny was working at the diners whenever he wasn't in school. Marybeth passed the reins to her son and slipped into an alcoholic haze. She was arrested twice for solicitation, but in both instances, the charges were dropped for lack of evidence.
Upon graduation, Kenny received several scholarships and enrolled as a business major at the University of Mississippi. He withdrew after the first semester when his mother's health suddenly declined, and she required more of her son's attention. Marybeth died a year later.
With the help of several silent partners, Kenny opened a small breakfast place called Ma's. The restaurant failed within six months, and Kenny used what little he'd saved to pay creditors before hitting the road.
Once he returned to Oxford some years later, several suspects arrested on possession charges named Kenny as their supplier, but nothing ever came of their allegations. It was only after he sold cocaine to a judge's daughter that detectives had enough evidence to arrest him. Kenny was sentenced to five years at the Marshall County Correctional Facility in Holly Springs.
While in prison, Kenny kept his head down and did his time. He even completed the Culinary Arts program and the Computers program offered to non-violent drug offenders at the prison.
After his release, Kenny returned to the restaurant business, working at several diners on a part-time basis, filling in when employees call in sick or need to take time off.
Unfortunately, the substitute server gig was not paying the bills, so Kenny answered a help-wanted ad for a local live-stream video entertainment business, Under Glass. No one was more surprised than he was when he got the job, and he was determined to keep it.
Everything was going well until his boss, the company's founder and owner, was murdered. Since then, Kenny and a few other employees have struggled to keep the venture afloat.