2nd cell phone records


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 005282-30J-2019
Case Description: Kelly Moran death investigation

YCSD investigators obtained the voice calls and text message logs for the cellular telephone found in the sofa at the Morans' residence (Ev # 005282-03), identified as 662-816-XXXX, for the period of October 23 – 30, 2019.


  • The Caller names listed come from the phone's internal log, which is informed by the phone's Contacts database.
  • Because there is voice mail on the cellular telephone lines, all incoming calls remaining on the line until the voice mail activated are recorded as completed calls.
DateTimeCall ToCallerNumberMinutes
10/23 11:50 OUTGOING K 662-801-XXXX 3
10/23 11:59 OUTGOING K2 662-410-XXXX 4
10/24 18:30 INCOMING Unknown XXX-XXX-XXXX 2
10/24 18:38 INCOMING Unknown XXX-XXX-XXXX 3
10/25 11:30 INCOMING Unknown XXX-XXX-XXXX 1
10/25 18:14 INCOMING Roadhouse 662-234-XXXX 1
10/26 15:42 OUTGOING K 662-801-XXXX 2
10/26 18:45 INCOMING Unknown XXX-XXX-XXXX 2
10/26 19:04 OUTGOING K2 662-410-XXXX 3
10/26 22:45 INCOMING K2 662-410-XXXX 1
10/27 12:25 INCOMING Unknown XXX-XXX-XXXX 1
10/27 12:37 OUTGOING K2 662-410-XXXX 4
10/28 10:45 INCOMING Blind Pig 662-234-XXXX 1
10/30 09:15 INCOMING Unknown XXX-XXX-XXXX 1
10/30 10:45 INCOMING Unknown XXX-XXX-XXXX 1
10/30 17:30 INCOMING Funky’s 662-259-XXXX 1



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