Man with salt-and-pepper goatee and beard in a print shop

Warren Lee biography

Warren Lee was born in Oxford, Mississippi, to Gerald and Gracie Lee on May 3, 1974

He has an older brother, Mike, who was born three years previously.

Gerald and Gracie Lee operated GeeGee's Cafe until the restaurant burned down in 1988. Although the fire was suspicious, no charges were ever filed. Gerald found work as a cook at Baptist Memorial Hospital-North Mississippi, and Gracie got her real estate license.

Warren was an adequate student who professed a dream to take over his grandfather's print shop, Oxford Printing. Even as a young boy, Warren loved to hang with his grandfather amidst the running equipment. He graduated in the top quarter of his high school class. He earned a bachelor's degree in business management before making his dream come true.

When his grandfather retired a year later, Warren ran the shop on his own, slowly introducing methods and practices he'd learned at school. Business rose by ten percent annually, and Warren expanded the operation. He hired his brother, Mike, to help with the day-to-day operations in 1999.

With someone to helm the business temporarily, Warren married his live-in girlfriend, Trish Henderson, and they spent a month in Mexico. It was the first vacation Warren had taken as an adult, and he vowed to spend more time enjoying their life together.

Despite occasional disagreements with Mike on the direction the business should take, Warren managed to weather the economic downturn. Trish continued working at Oxford Printing, and some said she was instrumental in keeping the brothers on speaking terms.

Warren knew Kelly Moran because she was friends with Trish, but never spent much time with her, often excusing himself with rush jobs when he knew Kelly would be present.


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