Missing property inventory


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 003897-31G-2024
Case Description: Kelly Moran death investigation

Russell Moran provided the following list of items missing from their residence after his wife's murder.

TO:   Detectives Ted Armstrong, Samantha Murphy
Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department
FROM:   Russell Moran, Esq.
DATE:   August 2, 2024
RE:   Inventory of missing items, Moran residence

To the best of my knowledge, the following items are missing from my home.

Insurance Photo
Click to enlarge
  • Cash from Kelly's wallet. She usually carried a couple hundred dollars on her.
  • Kelly's jewelry box. There was a diamond earring and necklace set that cost me a few thousand dollars. The insurance company will have the exact figure. Also, a dozen lesser pieces including necklaces, earrings, a brooch she inherited from her grandmother.
  • Two gold candlesticks from the dining room table. One was a foot high, the other nine inches.
  • Kelly's iPad. She usually kept it on the coffee table in the living room. Blue leather cover. No sign of the charger, either.
  • My Ole Miss sweatshirt that was hanging at the back of the closet. In case you find one, mine was light blue with faded lettering, a tear in the cuff of the right sleeve, and a pepperoni pizza stain across the bottom left in the front.

I'll let you know if I find anything else.

Russell Moran




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