Man with brown hair, dark-rimmed glasses and five o'clock shadow

Russell Moran biography

Russell Moran was born on July 8, 1979, in Oxford, Mississippi. His father, Kurt Moran, co-founded and owns an accounting firm, which he still operates to this day. His mother, Pamela Moran, was a novelist turned homemaker after having four sons, of which Russell is the youngest.

Although no great expectations were placed upon them, the Moran brothers all went on to achieve tremendous success. The eldest expanded Kurt Moran's accounting firm, since renamed Moran & Son, and took it national. The second eldest became a plastic surgeon, and the third eldest, a best-selling mystery novelist.

What Russell lacked in business-savvy and talent he made up for in hard work. He had few friends throughout grade school and college, often turning down social events in favor of the library.

Russell's tireless dedication to studying and extracurriculars in high school earned him a scholarship to Ole Miss, where he double-majored in political science and economics. After graduating in 1997, Russell went on to attend the University of Miami School of Law.

Fresh out of law school in 2001, Russell accepted an internship at a business consulting firm in Tampa, which suited his initial design of pursuing a career in corporate law. A year later, he was promoted to attorney-at-law and on his way to becoming a partner at the firm.

In 2004, Russell met Kelly Moran, a sales associate at the company he was consulting for. His lack of experience with women made him helpless against Kelly's advances. After dating for six months, Russell proposed, and they were married within the next year.

While Russell's home life prospered, his professional life had taken a turn for the worse. Unsatisfied with the direction that his career in corporate law was taking, Russell developed vague notions of quitting the consulting firm to work for the state legislature.

He ran unsuccessfully in 2007, though political observers suspected his campaign failed because of his young age not because of his platform. But soon after, opportunity called upon Russell in the form of an old family friend with a job offer back in Oxford, Mississippi.

Russell and Kelly moved back to his hometown in 2009, where Russell began working for the Yoknapatawpha District Attorney's Office with plans to run for alderman.

The move took a toll on his marriage because Kelly began to feel trapped in the small town and grew increasingly unhappy. After she was in a car accident in 2010, her lengthy recovery not only added to the stress on their relationship, but also put Russell's plans to run for political office on hold.

In spite of everything, Russell remained wholly devoted to his wife until her untimely demise.



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