Christian priest standing by the altar

Father Monahan interview

Monday, June 1, 2020 – 4:00 p.m.

After being notified about Incident # 002696-01F-2020, Detective Murphy contacted the director of the St. John's Catholic Church donation program, Father Patrick Monahan.

Detective Murphy interviewed him in the church rectory.


  • Detective S. Murphy
  • Father Patrick Monahan

Detective Murphy: For the record, could you please state your name and address.

Father Monahan: Father Patrick David Monahan. I live here in the St. John's rectory at 403 University Avenue, Oxford.

Detective Murphy: Father Monahan, I appreciate your cooperation. I won't take up much of your time.

Father Monahan: It's no trouble. How may I help you?

Detective Murphy: As we discussed on the phone, we received a report of a blazer donated to United Way that appeared to have blood on it. According to their records, that donation came from St. John's parcel. I brought the blazer for you to look at.

Father Monahan: Is that it there? In the bag?

Detective Murphy: Yes, I'm afraid we have to keep it in the bag to protect it. You understand?

Father Monahan: Well, sure, I understand. What is it you think I can tell you about this coat?

Detective Murphy: Do you recognize it?

Father Monahan: Do I recognize it? You mean, do I know who it might've belonged to?

Detective Murphy: Yes, Father, that's what I mean.

Father Monahan: It's difficult to say. There's nothing extraordinary about it. A simple linen blazer, it could have belonged to anyone.

Detective Murphy: Of course, but is there anyone in your parish who wore such a blazer?

Father Monahan: Many of our parishioners wear ordinary clothing. I suppose I could say I've seen blazers of this type on several of our worshipers.

Detective Murphy: Anyone specifically come to mind?

Father Monahan: Well… Mary O'Keefe has a blazer like this. I believe Mrs. Rose may also have one that is similar. Possibly a few others.

Detective Murphy: What about Peggy LeClaire? Does she wear a blazer like this?

Father Monahan: Yes, I think so, though I have to admit I never looked closely at any of their wardrobes. But I believe they all might wear blazers similar to this from time to time.

Detective Murphy: Okay, fair enough. How does the donation process work? Do you keep any records?

Father Monahan: I'm afraid it's not nearly that organized. We have a box in the vestibule, and people just put things in that they want to donate.

Detective Murphy: Does anyone check the box?

Father Monahan: I do, when it seems to be getting too full, I call the folks over at United Way to pick it up. Then we place the empty box back in the vestibule for further donations.

Detective Murphy: I see. Do you check the pockets or anything before you hand them over to United Way? In case somebody has left something in them?

Father Monahan: Sometimes. If it looks as if there is something in it, then we check. If it's something valuable, we post a note on the bulletin board to check the lost and found. If it's loose change, it goes in the poor box. If it's old receipts or something of that nature, we throw it away.

Detective Murphy: To your knowledge, nothing like that was found in this bunch of clothing?

Father Monahan: Not that I'm aware of. Let me check the lost and found. It's right here in the closet. Oh, here's something. Is that a brown blazer?

Detective Murphy: Yes.

Father Monahan: Apparently, this glove and set of keys were found in the pocket of a brown coat. But as you can see, no one has claimed it. It's kind of surprising. You'd think someone would need their keys, but… maybe they're an old set. Would you like to take these things with you?

Detective Murphy: Yes, Father, I would. No need to take them out of the bag. I'll just take them as is.

Father Monahan: Of course, here you go.

Detective Murphy: Thank you, Father Pat.

Father Monahan: Do you think it will help you locate the owner of the blazer?

Detective Murphy: It might.

Father Monahan: Anything else I can help you with?

Detective Murphy: No, I think that does it. Thanks again for your time.

Father Monahan: You're very welcome, Samantha. Hope to see you at Mass sometime soon. We have one in just a little while after I hear confessions.

Detective Murphy: Now, Father, you know I'm not Catholic, but if I were, you know I'd be here.

Father Monahan: Well, it never hurts to ask. Bless you, child. Go with God.

Detective Murphy: Thank you, Father. You too.

Interview ended – 4:37 p.m.



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