Michelle Prescott interview #3
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 – 3:05 p.m.
Michelle Prescott was Kristi Waterson's cousin and roommate.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department. Ms. Prescott's attorney, Slade Chesterson III, Esq., was also present.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Michelle Prescott
- Slade Chesterson III
Detective Murphy: Thank you for seeing us, Ms. Prescott. Would you state your name and address again for the record?
Michelle Prescott: Michelle Prescott, 588 Hathorn Road, Apartment 232.
Detective Murphy: Thank you. As you know, we're continuing to investigate Kristi's murder and—
Michelle Prescott: I know. I've read about it in the papers, and I find it disturbing.
Detective Murphy: How so?
Michelle Prescott: You arrested Hunter Nelson without having all the facts. I mean, it seems like you've made a terrible mistake, ruined his reputation, and for what? It was hasty and wrongheaded, if you'll forgive me for saying so.
Detective Armstrong: You're awfully worried about this reputation thing.
Michelle Prescott: Pardon?
Detective Armstrong: Mr. Nelson was a viable suspect at the time, and yet all you can talk about is his reputation.
Michelle Prescott: It's essential. Hunter seems to be a respectable young man, and the higher you start, the farther you have to fall. We've discussed this before. It's important to be protective.
Detective Armstrong: Like you.
Michelle Prescott: What do you mean?
Detective Armstrong: Well, before, you mentioned how it's important to think of the consequences of your actions.
Michelle Prescott: Well, of course. I only associate with people who share the same interests and attitudes, who appreciate quality. Part of that is maintaining quality within myself. By that, I mean it's important to uphold high standards.
Detective Armstrong: And Kristi didn't really live up to your standards, did she?
Michelle Prescott: Pardon?
Detective Armstrong: Well, earlier, you criticized your cousin for being careless, reckless. Maybe you were worried she would rub off on you. A stain on your quality, as it were.
Michelle Prescott: Don't be ridiculous. We've discussed this already, and I refuse to speak of it further. It's insulting to the love I felt—and still feel—for Kristi for you to be accusing me of such awful things.
Detective Armstrong: Or maybe your boyfriend got a little too close to Kristi for comfort.
Michelle Prescott: No, absolutely not. You're being offensive. Slade, do something, please.
Slade Chesterson: Detectives, this is getting tiresome.
Detective Murphy: Our problem is this. Rob LaRouche can vouch for your whereabouts the night Kristi died, but otherwise, it's hard to really pin down what you were doing.
Michelle Prescott: Rob is an entirely upstanding person. I don't understand why his word isn't considered adequate. I'm telling the truth, and he can attest to that.
Detective Armstrong: He may be entirely upstanding, but apparently, he can't tell time. Why would he say you showed up at an altogether different hour for your date?
Michelle Prescott: I have no idea. I can't control his inaccuracies. All I know is that I went to his house at 7:00 p.m. We went for a drive, stopped for gas, got back to the apartment around 8:30, and watched a movie. We ordered some food. I'm afraid I didn't record the minutiae of the evening beyond that, but surely someone saw us throughout the evening, the delivery driver or something. Aren't I right, Slade?
Detective Armstrong: Being spotted by a delivery guy isn't the same as being home all evening.
Detective Murphy: And earlier, you said you didn't get to Mr. LaRouche's place until 8:30 to begin with. You can see why we're confused.
Michelle Prescott: It was 7:00 p.m. I swear it.
Detective Armstrong: Are you sure about that? Or maybe it was a little later because during that hour—
Michelle Prescott: This is so upsetting. I wish you would stop.
Slade Chesterson: Do you have a point?
Detective Armstrong: Or perhaps both you and Rob had a hand in Kristi's death.
Michelle Prescott: No.
Detective Murphy: Michelle, did you kill Kristi?
Michelle Prescott: Please. How many times do I need to say it? Of course, I didn't.
Detective Murphy: Who do you think did it, then?
Michelle Prescott: I don't know. I haven't the slightest idea. I mean, it couldn't possibly be anyone I know.
Detective Armstrong: But it could have been someone Kristi knew.
Michelle Prescott: I don't know. Maybe one of her boyfriends, but I can't believe it. I mean, I can't believe she would put herself at that kind of risk. Please. I told you already I refused to be a party to that aspect of her life. I didn't want to be drawn into association with people like that. She had an illness, a wound that needed to be healed. It's so upsetting to think of.
Detective Murphy: Why would anyone want to hurt Kristi like that?
Michelle Prescott: I've told you. I don't know. I mean, I've gone over it so many times, and I can't think of any reason. It's utterly senseless to me.
Detective Murphy: How do you think someone might have committed this murder?
Michelle Prescott: I can't imagine it.
Detective Armstrong: What would you say if later you were proven guilty of killing her?
Michelle Prescott: How? I didn't— it's impossible.
Detective Murphy: Well, would there be any reason for someone to have spotted you at The Turn that evening?
Michelle Prescott: Absolutely not. Please, Slade, this is too upsetting.
Slade Chesterson: Detectives, you've had your fun. You're going too far.
Detective Armstrong: We'll be the judge of that.
Michelle Prescott: No. I refuse to discuss this any further. It's so hurtful what you're saying. I can't stand it. I don't have to tolerate this, do I? I don't have to stay here?
Slade Chesterson: Let's go.
Detective Armstrong: Be our guest. Just don't go far.
Interview ended – 3:33 p.m.