Updated shoeprint analysis


REPORT DATE: 4/3/2024, Updated 4/12/2024

Andrew Needham, FTEE
Jackson Laboratory
Jackson, MS 39205
601-987-XXXX (FAX 601-987-XXXX)

Analysis: Trace Evidence Analysis: Footwear Impression

Case #: 001653-31C-2024

Case Description: Wendell Martinson Homicide

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. E. Parker


Summary of Preliminary Trace Evidence Analysis

Evidence Analyzed


Suspected footwear impression on victim's pants Partial footwear impression consistent with Men's Thorogood Street Athletics Liberty shoe, size 10-14
001653-17: One (1) pair men's Thorogood shoes, size 10.5, taken into evidence at residence of Joseph Kemp Not consistent with partial footwear impression on victim's pants
001653-31: One (1) pair Thorogood mid-cut boots, size 12, taken into evidence at residence of Emmett Sanford Consistent with partial footwear impression on victim's pants



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