Handwriting analysis


REPORT DATE: 4/3/2024

Hope Clark, FDE
Jackson Laboratory
Jackson, MS 39205
601-987-XXXX (FAX 601-987-XXXX)

Analysis: Questioned Document Examination

Case #: 001653-31C-2024

Case Description: Wendell Martinson Homicide

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. E. Parker


Summary of Preliminary Questioned Document Examination

Evidence Analyzed

Questioned Document (Q1)

Known Reference Sample (K1)
001653-03: One (1) business card with handwritten note on back

(Click to enlarge)

(Click to enlarge)

Summary Conclusion: After a thorough examination of the questioned document, it is the examiner's opinion that the known writing (K1) and the questioned writing (Q1) were written by the same person, namely Wendell Robert Martinson.



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