Pane call records


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 001838-16D-2022
Case Description: Wendy Holloway homicide investigation

Pursuant to an order from the court, the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department obtained the telephone records for Peter Pane's home and business telephone numbers for the period between November 1, 2021, through April 17, 2022.

The following daily records have been excerpted as representative of all records.

All calls that remained on the line until the voice mail picked up are recorded as completed calls.

* The Account Names listed indicate only the billing name associated with the telephone number, not the identity of the person who placed or received the call.


In / OutDateTimeDuration
NumberAccount Name
IN 11/10/2021 11:22 901-541-XXXX EZeeCredit
OUT 11/10/2021 17:39 14  206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 11/10/2021 18:45 901-578-XXXX S. P. Dudenhoffer
OUT 11/10/2021 19:54 12  901-756-XXXX Paul Hansen
IN 11/10/2021 20:09 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 11/23/2021 09:05 901-541-XXXX EZeeCredit
IN 11/23/2021 15:40 212-759-XXXX UNeedIt Loan Co
OUT 11/24/2021 17:26 27  206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 11/24/2021 19:32 412-331-XXXX Valerie Cooper
IN 11/24/2021 20:04 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 12/06/2021 10:20 901-731-XXXX Ricky Barnes
IN 12/06/2021 10:48 662-232-XXXX Michael Robbins
OUT 12/06/2021 11:38 11  206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 12/06/2021 12:27 212-294-XXXX Z. L. Skrzynski
IN 12/06/2021 13:08 901-578-XXXX S. P. Dudenhoffer
OUT 12/06/2021 17:38 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 12/06/2021 18:04 16  412-331-XXXX E. A. Pane
OUT 02/16/2022 11:38 10  901-737-XXXX N. Penman
IN 02/16/2022 14:28 412-921-XXXX Mick Jefferson
IN 02/16/2022 17:11 901-576-XXXX Memphis Art
OUT 02/16/2022 18:09 901-332-XXXX Pizza Hut
IN 02/25/2022 14:14 412-331-XXXX E. A. Pane
IN 02/25/2022 20:08 901-578-XXXX S. P. Dudenhoffer
IN 03/15/2022 10:20 212-759-XXXX UNeedIt Loan Co
OUT 04/01/2022 13:47 901-756-XXXX Paul Hansen
IN 04/01/2022 16:01 16  901-737-XXXX N. Penman
IN 04/01/2022 17:06 901-576-XXXX Memphis Art
IN 04/01/2022 17:39 901-756-XXXX Paul Hansen
IN 04/08/2022 10:29 901-731-XXXX Ricky Barnes
IN 04/08/2022 13:43 901-541-XXXX EZeeCredit
IN 04/08/2022 15:33 901-756-XXXX Paul Hansen
IN 04/08/2022 16:52 901-576-XXXX S. P. Dudenhoffer
OUT 04/15/2022 14:13 16  901-737-XXXX N. Penman
IN 04/15/2022 15:33 213-753-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 04/15/2022 15:57 901-576-XXXX A. P. Magro
IN 04/15/2022 19:04 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 04/16/2022 10:41 16  901-756-XXXX Paul Hansen
IN 04/16/2022 11:45 412-921-XXXX Mick Jefferson
IN  04/16/2022 14:04 16  412-331-XXXX E. A. Pane
IN 04/16/2022 17:08 901-576-XXXX S. P. Dudenhoffer
OUT 04/17/2022 09:10 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 04/17/2022 13:20 206-223-XXXX J. Sadlier
IN 04/17/2022 16:24 35  901-576-XXXX S. P. Dudenhoffer
IN 04/17/2022 17:16 412-331-XXXX Valerie Cooper
IN 04/17/2022 19:02 901-576-XXXX L. B. Kernigan


In / OutDateTimeDuration
NumberAccount Name
OUT 12/06/2021 11:16 901-331-XXXX Mills & Wright
IN 12/06/2021 13:47 901-281-XXXX PC Magicians
IN 12/06/2021 14:04 412-341-XXXX Blast Tech
OUT 01/10/2022 10:20 408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 01/10/2022 10:32 901-758-XXXX IPR ISP
IN 01/10/2022 10:49 408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
OUT 01/10/2022 11:30 206-253-XXXX TechWare
IN 01/10/2022 13:58 901-331-XXXX Mills & Wright
IN 01/10/2022 14:09 16  206-223-XXXX J. Sadlier
IN 01/10/2022 15:38 901-756-XXXX Paul Hansen
OUT 01/10/2022 16:30 206-253-XXXX TechWare
OUT 01/21/2022 09:08 901-345-XXXX Regions Bank
IN 01/21/2022 09:25 12  901-541-XXXX EZeeCredit
OUT 01/21/2022 09:41 901-576-XXXX Memphis Art
IN 01/21/2022 10:04 901-331-XXXX Mills & Wright
OUT 01/21/2022 10:39 901-332-XXXX Memphis Realty
OUT 01/21/2022 10:59 901-346-XXXX Prudential Real Estate
OUT 01/21/2022 11:05 901-398-XXXX Century21
OUT 01/21/2022 11:24 901-332-XXXX Tennessee Realty
OUT 01/21/2022 11:32 901-576-XXXX Pyramid Loan Co
OUT 01/21/2022 11:44 901-576-XXXX Beale Real Estate
IN 01/21/2022 11:57 13  901-398-XXXX Century21
IN 01/21/2022 12:12 901-346-XXXX Prudential Real Estate
IN 01/21/2022 12:24 14  901-332-XXXX Memphis Realty
IN 01/21/2022 12:48 11  901-576-XXXX Pyramid Loan Co
IN 01/21/2022 14:19 901-576-XXXX Beale Real Estate
IN 01/26/2022 08:59 901-331-XXXX Mills & Wright
IN 01/26/2022 09:22 901-345-XXXX Regions Bank
IN 01/26/2022 10:10 901-731-XXXX Ricky Barnes
IN 01/26/2022 10:41 901-331-XXXX Mills & Wright
OUT 01/26/2022 11:15 212-759-XXXX UNeedIt Loan Co
OUT 01/26/2022 11:31 901-576-XXXX Pyramid Loan Co
OUT 01/26/2022 11:38 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 01/26/2022 11:41 901-331-XXXX Mills & Wright
OUT 01/26/2022 12:04 408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 01/26/2022 14:25 17  408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 01/26/2022 15:23 901-280-XXXX David R. Peabody
IN 01/31/2022 10:35 38  408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
OUT 01/31/2022 11:17 901-331-XXXX Mills & Wright
OUT 01/31/2022 11:46 206-223-XXXX J. Sadlier
OUT 01/31/2022 12:00 901-345-XXXX Regions Bank
IN 01/31/2022 13:47 12  206-223-XXXX J. Sadlier
IN 01/31/2022 14:25 16  408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
OUT 01/31/2022 15:41 26  206-223-XXXX J. Sadlier
IN 01/31/2022 16:38 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
OUT 01/31/2022 17:05 412-921-XXXX Mick Jefferson
OUT 02/22/2022 09:20 17  206-223-XXXX J. Sadlier
IN 02/22/2022 11:32 408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
OUT 02/22/2022 12:09 901-331-XXXX Mills & Wright
IN 02/22/2022 14:04 206-464-XXXX MaestroTech Software
OUT 02/22/2022 15:41 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 02/22/2022 16:15 901-280-XXXX David R. Peabody
IN 02/22/2022 16:30 469-751-XXXX Linda Jakovich
IN 03/10/2022 10:20 469-751-XXXX Linda Jakovich
OUT 03/10/2022 10:52 32  901-576-XXXX A. P. Magro
IN 03/10/2022 11:51 408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 03/10/2022 13:38 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 03/10/2022 14:04 16  408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 03/10/2022 15:27 901-576-XXXX S. P. Dudenhoffer
IN 04/01/2022 09:35 11  469-751-XXXX Linda Jakovich
OUT 04/01/2022 10:51 206-223-XXXX J. Sadlier
IN 04/01/2022 11:35 408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 04/01/2022 14:05 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
IN 04/01/2022 15:39 206-321-XXXX W. P. Holloway
OUT 04/01/2022 16:09 901-731-XXXX Ricky Barnes
OUT 04/06/2022 09:48 12  901-576-XXXX A. P. Magro
OUT 04/06/2022 10:18 408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 04/06/2022 14:04 16  408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 04/06/2022 15:33 770-363-XXXX Pip Software
IN 04/06/2022 16:05 901-576-XXXX S. P. Dudenhoffer
IN 04/08/2022 10:02 412-921-XXXX Mick Jefferson
IN 04/08/2022 13:47 770-363-XXXX Pip Software
OUT 04/08/2022 14:15 901-345-XXXX Regions Bank
IN 04/08/2022 16:04 16  408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 04/15/2022 10:20 901-541-XXXX EZeeCredit
IN 04/15/2022 12:13 408-965-XXXX MegaMaxiNet Solutions
IN 04/15/2022 13:46 770-363-XXXX Pip Software
IN 04/15/2022 14:07 19  210-341-XXXX Race Software
OUT 04/15/2022 15:28 212-759-XXXX UNeedIt Loan Co
IN 04/15/2022 16:02 412-921-XXXX Mick Jefferson




Crime Scene
3602 N 16th St
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Voice (623) 565-8573
Fax (602)-274-7280

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