Reaching out, acting out, and going out

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The View from Behind the Chair: Reaching out, acting out, and going out

In this edition: situation sew-sew … lawless lady … and artistic assets

Greetings, peeps!

The View from the Behind the Chair is the only place you'll hear the things women only tell their hairdressers.

The Face in the Mirror gives you the View from Behind the ChairAnd in this chair?

In the first chair, the organizer of an upcoming philanthropic event. It's time to get your sewing kits ready, my dears. The annual Sewcial Compassion event is coming up soon. Every year, needle wielders from across the county come together to mend and spruce up items donated to charity. It's a laudable cause that is well worth your support, be it your labor or your dollars. Contact the Faith and Glory Community Church for details.

And in this chair?

In the second chair, an observer of area law and order. It seems a high-profile, well-connected, respectable resident has been seen venturing into the portals of the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department not once but twice in recent months, and not just to pay speeding fines. The first incident involved an item of expensive jewelry that walked out of a store with the lady in question. And now, the boys in blue have had her in again—as part of a murder investigation. Some say this all stems from psychic revelations about the other woman. Wonder if she's told that tale to the garden club?

And in this chair?

And in the third chair, a fledgling thespian reveals that a local theatre troupe recently decimated by losses generated from within and without is struggling to find its feet again. The arts are vital to a thriving Yoknapatawpha County, my friends, and so I implore you to attend as many Oxonian productions, concerts, and exhibits as you're able. They are what keep us civilized in a fractious age.

Posted by The Face in the Mirror at 3:00 PM





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