Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

The Oxford Weekly Planet covers the body's discovery

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Body found on area farm

Body found on area farm

Investigation Day 2 — The Crime Beat column reports on a body found on a Yoknapatawpha County farm on July 14, 2014.

The body's possible connection to the severed hand found on July 13 is undetermined at this time.

  2332 Hits

What does John Reagle say about the hand now?

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What does the farmer say when sober?

John Reagle interview

John Reagle biography
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Investigation Day 2 — After local farmer John Reagle spent the night sobering up in a jail cell, Detectives Armstrong and Murphy sat him down for a talk about the alleged human hand he had with him at Duffy's the previous night.


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Intoxicated man arrested in possession of alleged severed hand

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Intoxicated man arrested

Intoxicated man arrested

Warning: Images may be disturbing for some viewers

Photos of alleged human hand

Investigation Day 1 — The YCSD was called to Duffy's Bar & Grill on Sunday night, July 13, 2014, because a man who had been drinking at the establishment claimed to have a severed human hand in his possession.


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Area farmer arrested after brandishing severed hand

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Area farmer arrested after brandishing severed hand

Farmer arrested brandishing hand

Investigation Day 1 — The Crime Beat column reports on a farmer arrested in possession of what he claimed was a human hand.

  2343 Hits

Unofficial coroner's opinions on Daniels property remains

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Unofficial coroner's findings

Early coroner's findings

Investigation Day 19 — The detectives received unofficial preliminary opinions from the coroner's office regarding remains discovered at the fire location.

  2499 Hits

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