Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Unofficial coroner's opinions on Daniels property remains

Examine the relevant case files

Unofficial coroner's findings

Early coroner's findings

Investigation Day 19 — The detectives received unofficial preliminary opinions from the coroner's office regarding remains discovered at the fire location.

  2576 Hits

Local family tragedy comes to violent end

Examine the relevant case files

Local family tragedy comes to violent end

Family tragedy comes to violent end

Investigation Day 19 — The Crime Beat column reports on the abrupt end of the Daniels family tragedy that stunned friends, neighbors and strangers alike.

  2656 Hits

What has the coroner learned about the fire victims?

Examine the relevant case files

Preliminary reports on fire victims

Coroner's report - John Doe #008

Coroner's report - Jane Doe #009

Investigation Day 18 — The Coroner's Office conducted rush autopsies on the fire victims and provided preliminary reports on their initial findings.

  2491 Hits

From the fire rises... evidence?

Examine the relevant case files

Evidence from the fire scene

Early analysis results

Letter from fire scene

Investigation Day 17 — The detectives talked to Crime Lab personnel and got unofficial preliminary results on their first looks at preliminary evidence recovered from the fire scene.

How much of a connection is there between that early evidence and Laurie Daniels murder?

  2377 Hits

A dog's nose knows

Examine the relevant case files

K-9 search

K-9 Unit report

Detectives' K-9 report

Investigation Day 15 & 16 — K-9 units searched the property where the fire occurred, looking for potential evidence related to the Laurie Daniels homicide investigation.

What they found was maybe more than they expected.

  2409 Hits

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