Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

Zach, Hunter and Melody are trapped!

Rachel found out about some alarming voicemail messages about the other Kudzu Kids

Voicemail messages

Rachel received some disturbing text messages from Zach on Sunday evening

Zach texts Rachel

Kudzu Kids reported missing

Kudzu Kids reported missing

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 12 — All of a sudden, things got really scary yesterday.

No one can find Hunter, Zach and Melody.

It looks like they're trapped somewhere in the tunnels under the campus.


  2162 Hits

Who was the anonymous emailer that urged Bill to attend the pageant?

Email analysis

Anonymous email trace

Investigation Day 12 — In his 2nd interview, Bill Lamar claimed that he attended the pageant because he received an anonymous email urging him to.

YCSD investigators analyzed the email to try to figure out who sent it.

Does the sender's location narrow down the possibilities?

  1466 Hits

Were there any surprises in the routine credit check on the Dubois family?

Dubois financial records

Dubois credit check

Investigation Day 12 — As part of the routine background check into the victim, YCSD ran a credit report for Barbara Dubois and the members of her household.

Barabra's credit report had virtually no information, likely because her mother managed all the family finances.

Did Susan Dubois' credit check turn up anything interesting?

  1450 Hits

Did Beatrice Carmichael leave behind any clues to help solve the Izard mysteries?

Beatrice Carmichael papers

Beatrice Carmichael papers

Investigation Day 12 — Attorney Arthur Manning found some potentially significant documents among papers belonging to the late Beatrice Carmichael.

Do they shed any light on what happened to the Izard family?

  1993 Hits

Who was Beatrice Carmichael before we met her in 1998?

Beatrice Carmichael

Beatrice Carmichael biography
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Investigation Day 12 — Beatrice Carmichael was an ailing and perhaps bitter woman when we met her in 1998.

Who was she before life and disappointment had beaten her down?

  2150 Hits

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