Crime Scene Evidence Files

Solving murders in Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi since 1995. Examine the evidence and solve the case.

We found out there are supposedly tunnels under the campus

The Kudzu Kids talked to a couple of college students who showed them some tunnels under the campus

College students reveal campus tunnels

Kudzu Kids Investigation Day 7 — Zach met two college students when he was hanging out on campus. They were kinda weird but nice.

They told us they had been in some tunnels under the Y Building and showed us a place where you used to be able to get in.

They said tunnels run beneath the university and supply heat to different parts of campus, but we're not sure if they know what they're talking about.

We met a descendant of General Shegog
We wanted to find out more about the university du...

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Tami White on Tuesday, August 18 2015 12:34
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