Evidence inventory - Chase residence


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 002586-24E-2020
Case Description: Zoe Chase homicide investigation

The following items were taken into evidence from the Zoe Chase residence with the cooperation and consent of the victim's next of kin, Howard and Marion Neidelmen.


  • 002586-01: One (1) laptop computer
  • 002586-02: One (1) portable USB hard drive labeled "Backup"
  • 002586-03: One (1) manuscript, labeled"Pretense by Steven L. Atwater"
  • 002586-04: One (1) official copy of legal adoption papers naming Howard and Marion Neidelmen the legal parents of Nancy Neidelmen.

Bedroom safe

  • 002586-05: One (1) birth certificate for Nancy Neidelmen
  • 002586-06: One (1) State Farm Whole Life Insurance policy, with Howard and Marion Neidelmen named as beneficiaries.
  • 002586-07: One (1) publishing contract between Zoe Chase and Random House, Inc. stamped "Draft"
  • 002586-08: One (1) portable USB hard drive labeled "Columns, Future, Research, etc."
  • 002586-09 through 002586-12: Four (4) wire-bound notebooks identified as Chase's personal journals



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