Ned Fisher interview
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 – 5:01 p.m.
Ned Fisher is the younger son and business partner of victim #2, Wayne Fisher.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy met with him at his residence.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Ned Fisher
Detective Murphy: Thanks for talking to us today.
Ned Fisher: Okay. I'm pretty busy, but I want to help.
Detective Murphy: Would you please state your name and address?
Ned Fisher: Ned Fisher. 2584 College Hill Road. Oxford.
Detective Murphy: And your occupation?
Ned Fisher: Small business owner.
Detective Armstrong: What's the business?
Ned Fisher: Fisher Pest Control. Look, you guys came here. You know the address, right?
Detective Murphy: It's just a formality. For the file and the recording.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know why we wanted to talk to you?
Ned Fisher: I'm sorry if I'm being a jerk here, but can we skip the introductory stuff? I mean, my father was murdered. It's all over the papers that y'all are investigating the case. Am I supposed to be clueless about you talking to me? Should I answer your question with "gee, Officer, I don't know why you would ever want to talk to little ol' me"?
Detective Murphy: Generally, we like to ease into things, but I'm sure you're having a very rough time right now, so we'll get right to it and try to make this quick.
Detective Armstrong: Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt your father?
Ned Fisher: Not really. I mean, my mother obviously had problems with him, and my brother hated his guts. You might want to talk to him. But other than that, I don't really know.
Detective Murphy: We should interview your brother?
Ned Fisher: Yeah. He hates both of us. Me and Dad. Self-righteous jerk. He's a librarian of all things. Who is he to look down his nose at anyone?
Detective Armstrong: Sounds like you and your brother don't get along. When is the last time you saw him?
Ned Fisher: Probably about ten years ago. I mean, I hear about him every now and then. Oxford's a small town, after all. I think I've probably passed him on University a couple of times. But we haven't spoken in about a decade.
Detective Murphy: What's the problem between you two?
Ned Fisher: It's just about the divorce, I reckon. He was on Mom's side, and I was on Dad's side. Not much more to it than that. It just ballooned over the years.
Detective Armstrong: So other than your mom and your brother, you can't think of anyone else we should talk to?
Ned Fisher: Nah.
Detective Murphy: What about the investigation? How do you think we should go about investigating your father's death?
Ned Fisher: How should I know? You're the cops.
Detective Armstrong: When was the last time you saw your father?
Ned Fisher: It was the day he died.
Detective Murphy: What time?
Ned Fisher: I don't really remember.
Detective Murphy: Not at all?
Ned Fisher: Well, it was in the morning. We met at the shop. Did some work, ordered some supplies, mailed out some bills. Just catching up on things since we had a busy week. We wanted to get done so we could both get home and get hunkered down before all the traffic for the street party started pouring in.
Detective Armstrong: Don't like crowds, huh?
Ned Fisher: Not at all.
Detective Murphy: So in the morning? You saw him in the morning?
Ned Fisher: Yeah. We wrapped up work, got some burgers from the Sonic, had lunch, and went home.
Detective Murphy: Did you talk to your father that afternoon or that evening?
Ned Fisher: No.
Detective Murphy: What did you do with your afternoon?
Ned Fisher: Sat on the porch and drank beer.
Detective Murphy: Did your father have any plans that afternoon?
Ned Fisher: Said he was going to take a nap. Do some things around the house.
Detective Armstrong: What did you do that evening?
Ned Fisher: Nothing.
Detective Murphy: Did you go out?
Ned Fisher: Nah.
Detective Murphy: What did you do?
Ned Fisher: Just hung around here. Drank a little more beer. Watched some TV.
Detective Armstrong: Did you talk to your dad?
Ned Fisher: No.
Detective Armstrong: Did you know if he had any plans for that evening?
Ned Fisher: No. I wouldn't think he would have done anything. He doesn't like—didn't like—the crowds any more than I do. He knew there would be a crowd in town with the Rib Cage Street Party going on.
Detective Murphy: Were you expecting to see your father on Saturday?
Ned Fisher: No.
Detective Murphy: Were you expecting to talk to him on the phone?
Ned Fisher: No. We work together, so we see each other a lot. Saturday was our day off. It was just a routine we worked out, try not to get into each other's hair.
Detective Armstrong: Did you know Robert Pruitt?
Ned Fisher: No, don't think so.
Detective Armstrong: You're not sure?
Ned Fisher: Dad and me meet a lot of people because of work. I might've met him some time, but I don't remember.
Detective Murphy: Did your father know Mr. Pruitt?
Ned Fisher: Not that I know of, but I can't say for sure.
Detective Armstrong: Any idea what he was doing in Pruitt's house?
Ned Fisher: Nope.
Detective Armstrong: Could he have been there for something related to your work? To give an estimate or look into a problem?
Ned Fisher: I reckon it's possible, but I don't think so. He would've told me.
Detective Murphy: So you say you were here at home the entire night last Friday?
Ned Fisher: Yeah.
Detective Armstrong: Can anyone corroborate that?
Ned Fisher: No. Why? Am I under suspicion or anything?
Detective Murphy: We're just trying to get all the information we can at this point.
Detective Armstrong: Ned, do you think we'll have to talk to you again? As our investigation continues?
Ned Fisher: No, I don't believe you'll have any reason to do that.
Detective Armstrong: Do you own a gun, Mr. Fisher?
Ned Fisher: I got a rifle and a shotgun I use for hunting.
Detective Murphy: How would you feel if we need to ask you some more questions?
Ned Fisher: Well, I don't have anything that can help you. I mean, my dad just died. I don't want to have to keep answering questions.
Detective Murphy: We'll try to be respectful of your grief. I think we have enough for now. And we're sorry for your loss.
Interview ended – 5:49 p.m.